Adult Vital Signs

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indicators of a person's health and physiological status. Vital signs typically include temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure, SpO2 (oxygen saturation), and pain assessment.
  • Temperature: The normal range for an adult's body temperature is 97.8 to 99.1°F. Various methods for measuring temperature include oral, axillary, temporal, and rectal​​.
  • Pulse: A healthy adult's pulse rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Pulse can be assessed at several locations, including apical, radial, and carotid​​.
  • Respirations: Normal respiratory rate for adults is 12 to 20 breaths per minute. Respiratory rate should be counted discreetly to ensure accuracy​​.
  • Blood Pressure: Ideal blood pressure for adults is less than 120/80 mmHg. Proper blood pressure measurement requires specific equipment and patient positioning​​.
  • SpO2: Normal pulse oximetry readings, which indicate oxygen saturation, range from 95 to 100%. This can be measured using a probe on the finger, ear, nose, or forehead​​.
Pain, while subjective, is also considered a vital sign and should be assessed using appropriate scales and patient reports. Monitoring these vital signs is crucial in nursing practice to assess and respond to patient needs effectively.