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Hey guys! In this lesson we are going to talk about not settling!
So what is settling anyways? Settling is taking that job that you don’t actually want just because they offer it. It’s staying at a job even though you aren’t happy because you are afraid of change. Settling is continuing at a job that you aren’t really engaged in. Let’s talk about what settling isn’t.
What isn’t settling. Well, you may need to take a specific job to get experience before you take that dream job of yours. You might not be sure what you want to do, so you try something new to check it out and explore a bit. These are great, and I don’t want you to think this is settling. Nursing is full of different opportunities for you to explore, and sometimes you have to give a little in one area to be able to move on to another!
Don’t settle! Guys, there are endless opportunities in nursing. You can find something that makes you happy! Does this mean you will get that dream job right away out of school? Probably not! But that’s okay! Set your goals and make a plan for what you want. If you don’t know yet, explore your options and talk to others! Check out the lesson on networking for more details.
Something that I think is so important in finding happiness in your career is to find your purpose. Purpose makes you feel like you are living a fulfilled life. Consider what you like and what you absolutely do not like. What are you good at? Are you great at talking to people? Are you a pro at putting in IVs? Something I think we should all consider is what we enjoyed as children. For me, I didn’t realize what I wanted to do, but I knew there was something out there. I kept on with my career by trying different areas while working on med-surg. I explored informatics, I taught new processes, precepted, and worked as a charge nurse. In the end, after obtaining my Master’s degree, I realized that since a child, my passion has been teaching! Seems silly now that I didn’t realize this before, but that’s just how life works sometimes! Consider going back to school in the future. This may or may not be for you depending on your goals. It doesn’t hurt to consider everything so that you can find your true passion.
The number one thing I want you to take away from this lesson is to follow your gut. You will never follow your own inner voice until you clear up the doubts in your mind, so explore, research, and follow your gut feelings!
Okay, let’s review the key points. Settling is when you accept or stay at a job that you don’t enjoy or you aren’t engaged in just because you don’t want change. Don’t settle! There are too many opportunities in nursing to let your passion sizzle out. Find your purpose, and run with it! In everything you do, every choice you make, follow your gut!
Now go out and be your best self today, and as always, happy nursing!
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