The SOCK Method of Pharmacology

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Um, for, um, for anybody that has dementia or lacks that cognitive cognitive ability to, uh, for anybody that La that lacks that cognitive ability to make their own decisions, that's where it becomes kind of that, that, that issue. So six patient rates, right patient, right drug, right dose, right route, right time, right documentation and the right to refuse with an asterisk. Right? Um, so with pharmacology, yes or read says it's based on the same as a night. Uh, same rule goes for some mental health conditions. Correct. Um, yeah, that's right. So here's what I want to do for today. I know that we've kind of jumped around in a couple of these sessions. What I want you to do is if you have a question that you absolutely can't wait, um, cause I want to get into the kind of the meat and potatoes of what we're talking about state.
If you have a question that absolutely can't wait and it's like you're going to crawl out of your skin. If you don't ask it, you can ask it in a check. Um, but for the most part, if we could hold those questions until the end of the day, until the end of the session, until I kind of open it up, I would love to be able to, that way we can kind of hammer this out, go back, maybe address some issues. So you guys would just hanging. So a sock method, what does the sacrament that, well, the sock method isn't mnemonic. It's a memory device is going to help you remember the important things about medications. There's all sorts of important things about meds, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, um, classes, uh, appropriate doses, all that stuff, right? So the thing about it is we want to, we wanted to kind of hone this down and get it really tight in terms of how do I figure out a way to remember drugs?
Well, uh, what we need to do, hold on, let me jump over here. So with the sock method, it's a mnemonic for learning, learning pharmacology, right? So the, it's going to do three really key things. The first one is going to do is improve your patient's safety because you understand the drugs because you, uh, know what you're looking for, you know, a and you've learned and you've become really intimately aware of them. Um, so the other thing is going to do is it's as a result of that, it's going to improve your patient outcomes. If you are having fewer med errors, if you're having a patient better respond to those drugs. If people have a better understanding of this drugs, your patient outcomes are going to improve, your links of stay are going to improve, they're going to be shortened, your rates of mortality are going to be improved.
Um, your reoccurrences and readmissions back to the hospital are going to improve. Your patient's going to have better outcomes. Okay. And the last thing it's gonna do is it helps to hone this idea of critical thinking. We always talk about critical thinking for our, um, for, uh, all of our nursing processes, right? So we want to make sure that as we do this, we understand, uh, like we take these kind of in this order and then we're going to rearrange it later. But it's not, it doesn't always go like that. Um, and understanding be like, oh, actually I'm pulling from the Oh, this time or I'm pulling from the c this time, or as I'm practicing and pulling from the sea, but the do I really need another, it becomes this process, this, this very fluid process. And so, um, because that's what critical thinking is.
So this helps to really hone that skill when we're talking about drugs. So I'm going to use the term drugs and medications interchangeably. It's all about semantics for the purpose of this session and all of the sessions when I talk about drugs, I'm literally talking about prescription medications. So I don't want anybody to get hung up on that nuance. Okay. So first one is asked for side effects. That's what it stands for. So the first thing when we're talking, when we're learning our drugs and we're learning about our side effects, let me do this real quick. I want to make a slight adjustment to the brightness that what you can see the screen a little bit better. Cool. All right. When we're talking about side effects, life threatening side effects. First, when I'm looking at my, my side effects for any drug and I'm looking at the first thing I want to look at are the life threatening ones.
Do I care when I given narcotic if it causes some, maybe some constipation or do I care that I'm going to turn off the respiratory centers, um, that I'm going to depress those respiratory centers. I care about the problems that are going to be life threatening. The rest person is, are an issue, right? So I want to know the life threatening ones first in your drugs, like eight. I know ATI has it in David's truck book and some of these other ones it'll say side effects. Look through those when you're learning these and say which ones are life threatening that I absolutely need to know about. If I give metoprolol, do I care that it, uh, if I, if I give it orally, if it causes some GI side effects, who do I care that it's going to drop the heart rate and it's going to drop the, um, and it's gonna drop that, uh, the blood pressure, right?
I care about those things. Okay. Um, just kind of as a rule of thumb, any oral medication always has a potential to cause GI upset. So if GI upset is on there, you should kind of consider where it is in this grand scheme of things. Um, the other thing is I want to think about organs and what organ systems could potentially be affected. So let's talk about narcotics for a second. So if I give the allotted or morphine and I am, and I give it, I know that I'm going to cause respiratory depression. So if it cause respiratory depression, what's going to drop?
Tell me in the chat,
theoretically o two saturation because we've actually turned off, right? So I'm now war. I now have a neuro. I'm worried about the neurologic system cause I've caused that CNS depression from the morphine. And because of it, I've turned down the respirations per minute. So now I've affected, um, the pulmonary system. Now let's take it a step further. So if I turn down oxygen saturation, what has to compensate exactly is on it. Cardiac I to have a compensatory mechanism. So the body's going to respond by increasing the heart rate and maybe increasing that, uh, systemic vascular resistance a little bit because now we realize the body's going, oh, hey, I don't have enough, have enough oxygen, so I need to figure out a way to get, I gotta increase that heart rate so I can get more blood out. So in more oxygen profusion, better oxygen exchange, that kind of stuff. Soon that nobody ever thinks about that I'm going to give narcotics for pain. But now I have neuro, I'm neuro pulmonary in parts. I've got the major three organ systems that could be affected by the side effect. Okay, so the other one is the opposite of the intended effect. Does anybody know what that means? Like there's a term for it starts with a p.
If you don't, it's totally cool because you're going to learn it today. The term is paradoxical. Um, an example of this are, um, remember we talked about Mimo 94 year old me, mom with dementia and I'm giving her that held all because she's agitated. How gall can have, um, especially like Benzos and your anti-psychotics can have a paradoxical effect, meaning that it could make them more agitated, which is extremely frustrating. I've had it happen. You're supposed to be going to sleep, but you're so agitated, right? I'm expecting, I'm expecting the patient to become sedated and in fact it just makes them more agitated. Um, so just know that there are certain classes of drugs like your anti-psychotics that are going to cause that opposite of the intended effects. What I'm looking at side effects, I'm looking for those states. [inaudible] life-threatening first. Does this medication have a life threatening side effect?
Um, what organs and organ systems are affected by it? And then the last one is, does it have an opposite of the intended effect? The other ones, I want to know the key side effects. Like if I give a medication and 94% of the side effects, most of the time are going to be nauseous and vomiting. Okay, cool. I know that that's going to happen nine out of 10 times. Okay. The other thing is when we're talking about your life threatening ones, also focus focused on the airway, breathing and circulation. So if anything, like we talked about the narcotics, hey we hit the airway breathing and circulation, um, as a result of that seen as depression. So I need to be very, very mindful of when I give it. If um, the physician comes by or the provider comes by and says, Hey, I want to give me Mol who's 94 year olds and a hundred pounds soaking wet, I want to give her 10 milligrams of morphine, cause a huge dose, I'm going to snow her.
I could potentially kill her. That's when you say, hey, how bout not, let's give something more appropriate. Right. Because I know that those side effects, like yeah, her pain is going to be controlled, which is great. But the problem is, is showing me feeling it cause I'm on a coder at that dose. So think about that when you're thinking about your side effects, when you're looking at your life threatening ones, when you're thinking about your organs and organ systems, think about those abcs. Like that should be your first thing. All right, I'm learning a new drug. I know that, um, I need to look at side effects and I'm going to highlight cardiac, neuro, and respiratory. First. I need to know those side effects. Okay? So that's what I want you to think about when you're learning about side effects. So there's s so let's look at, oh, so the organs and organ systems, we just talked about this a little bit.
So I want to look at a medication when I'm learning about it, I want to know what organ systems, not necessarily with, not only with the side effects, but I also want to know what are the intended, what's the target system? If I go live, um, Lisinopril, um, or some other ace inhibitor, I know that the target system is going to be the blood pressure as a result of kidneys because it works in that Renin angiotensin system. So that's what I want to know about the target system. When I'm looking at words, I want to know what's my target organ and what organs can be affected. Um, and I also want to prioritize those organ systems. So, uh, in, when I say prioritize, I want it to look when I'm looking at side effects, when I'm looking at, um, what organ systems are affected by the drug. Um, I wanna know neuro, um, cardiac first, respiratory, neuro, then renal.
Then, um, Gig you been skin than in technique or then a musculoskeletal, whether or not you have, like as you go down that chain, just know that if I'm worried about, for instance, let's go back to morphine, right? So if I give morphine, do I care that, um, do I care that it potentially could cause a, uh, some itching or do I care that it's going to slow their respiratory rate? You know, just drop it down in the chat. Tell me what you think. Do I care that memo's itching? Do I care that you're not breathing?
I care about the respiratory rate, right? Because I know that the organ systems that are affected by the drug, not necessarily as a side effect, but I know that theoretically they could be affected. Okay. Um, there's a difference between side effects and affects on drugs because of the way the drugs work. Um, so just think about when I'm learning the organs and learning those organ systems, that's when I need to be thinking about. So let's move on. C a actually stands for three things. Class considerations and cards. So we'll get to cards last bit. The first thing we want to look at is, let me see if I got it up here. Class three is to be a picture here. Pictures, not [inaudible] name is gone. So we're talking about class. I want to know two things about the class of the drug. Oh, another pharmacologic class. And I want to know the therapeutic class. When we talk about pharmacologic class, it's going to compliment the idea of anatomy and physiology. So let's look at a drug called, um, let's pick one pilot sec or a met Rizal. Same drug, um, in the chat. Tell me what that drug does.
Gastro. Okay. Can anybody tell me the pharmacologic class of that drug? I said the [inaudible]. Okay. Christopher says, ask her to dosing. We're really close there. It is PPI. It's a proton pump inhibitor. Um, I'll never forget when I learned about it. Um, I learned about the, uh, hydrophilic phosphate, uh, phospholipid bi-layer looked like this and there was a purple Proton pump inhibitor. It looked like a big protein thing and it literally, the receptor came in and locked down on it and it kept hydrogen from pumping out, say Proton pump inhibitor, turn that Proton pump off. So therefore, because the hundred and couldn't get out of those cells, what ended up happening was that the hydrogen, because the more hydrogen you have, the lower the Ph, the more acidic the environment. Um, when that happened, the stomach acid dropped. You guys just got an AP lesson on PPIs, right?
So that's how it works. You got the Proton pump, the uh, members all comes in into the receptor, locks it down, says no more hydrogen atoms out. Therefore the acidity, the acidity of the stomach drops. Now that's the pharmacologic class and it complimented the A and P, we know it's a proton pump inhibitor. Now what does its therapeutic class? And when I say therapeutic class, it's how does it help? That's what I want you to think about when you're looking at the class. So how does it help? So Christopher said it was acid reducing. Can we be a little bit more specific? In what cases would you use? Maybe privacy, Gerd, gastroesophageal, gastroesophageal reflux disease. There's another one that you, that I'm thinking of more specifically.
All Sir. There it is. It's an anti-ulcer drug you'll use, uh, uh, Protonix is the other one. Uh, let me tell you, I will tell you the brand name of that drug. I cannot think of it or the generic name of that drug. If somebody knows the, the generic name of the drug, please drop it in the check because I am up. There it is. Pence. Oprah's all right. So, um, we'll talk about this in a second. Oh, actually we can talk about it right now. So it ends in Asia oily. That's the other thing that's really important about the generic names is they're going to actually give you some incline, some insight into these. So if I see a generic name of a class of a drug, and I know it ends in Zol, uh, Pantoprazole, uh, I met Prazole, uh, I know that those are proton pump inhibitors. So I'm gonna throw one in here and I want you to tell me, um, indeed in DUI, any who can tell me those right there from under dean rented any ending in d I n e who could tell me what class of drugs those are.
There's no wrong guesses up arms? Nope.
So, uh, D ine. These are h two blockers. Is there h two blockers. Um, so what these do, they're similar in therapeutic therapeutic classes. The same. They're both anti ulcers, but the difference is their h two and, uh, agonists. So what they do is they actually come in and block [inaudible]. Um, and therefore they were reduced to stomach acid. So let me give you one more.
Yeah, spelling right
there is, I've got to find it.
uh, there's another one, uh,
Beta blockers, right? So you realize that a wall, lol, whoa. Um, those also help with your [inaudible]. So there's a Beta blockers so you can recognize, hey, if I get, oops, if I get, if I get an order for that, I can immediately say I know now let's say I've never dealt with this drug at all. I know that that drug potentially has the ability to mess with cardiovascular system and heart. Cool. I actually just covered s and o because I got it out of that lol. Right? So that's, that's how class works. And as you get more familiar with it, where we get into cards, as we get more into it, what will end up happening is you'll start to learn these more and more. Um, at the, let's see, uh, so don't ask about the cheat sheets. Remember the suffixes. Let me go find it.
I know we have one, which is really helpful cause we handed it out at the live event. So let's go to the next one. Consideration. So we just talked about Beta blockers and I'm going to use the metoprolol as an example. When we give a drug, we need to be considerate of things like how do we administer this drug? Oh actually I want to do this a little bit closer to the text, a little bit small. I'll pull this from my presentation. So I want to make sure that you guys can see. Can you guys see that? Cool. Perfect. Let me make it, I'll make it just a little bit, right? Oops. Dang it. You know, a fancy with your tech and then makes it difficult. Cool. All right, cool. So let's talk about unmet. So we're talking
about administration concerns. What we, what we're looking for is how do I administer it? Okay. So if I get an order for 25 milligrams of Metoprolol, po, um, patient's blood pressure's been cool, I'm gonna go ahead and give it po. There's no problems. But let's say I get an order of five milligrams of Metoprolol IV. What is the first thing that I should know about giving any sort of Beta blocker? Ivy? Amber says that's a small dose. 25 milligrams po is actually probably average. I've seen them as high as 50 or a hundred.
yeah, I mean that's, that's a problem with, but let's talk about five milligrams IV. You get it, you get the order, you pull a drug, you go to the bedside, you verify your six rights. What should I know about when I administer it? So Christopher says that's a lot fast. If I'm giving an IV v right? So if I'm giving five milligrams, who can tell me about how long that should take for me to give
one minute,
36 woo. Five minutes. The, it's about five minutes for Beta blockers, it's about a middle of minute. You want to give it over five minutes.
now, uh, what I had, I had a patient one time, so a little Beta wall is a little bit different. Same class, give an ID. I got an order for 20, which I thought was kind of high for the patient and he was a self inflicted gunshot wound. His blood pressure's through the roof. Um, and so I had to given this labetalol IB and I thought it was a lot, but again, I know that I need to get this stuff max two mils a minute with 20 with a libido or you can get a just a touch faster. So it would take me about 10 minutes to get all of it. Um, so I gave him five and his heart rates at like, well, who can tell me real quick what's going to happen with a Beta blockers with the heart rate. Okay. So let's say I haven't ordered for metoprolol. Let's say their blood pressures, let's say that a blood pressure's high, but they've been running baseline 60 to 60 beats a minute. You get an order for five milligrams of metoprolol. Should you give it or should you, um, or should you hold it or should you, uh, talk to the provider? Or what should you do?
So remiss says I would give it yeah, 60 beats a minute. Sandra says I wouldn't give it. 70 says hold and call provider. Sara says hold. Yeah, so usually the parameters are less than 70. Um, I would not give it, I would say hey I consider hydralazine, which is another IB drug that you can give, but this is what I'm talking about administration. So I'm giving this Guy Labetalol. His blood pressure is super high. I forget what it was but I remember his heart rate was like one 10 I gave him the five drops to about 90. Cool. I give him the other five. I give him another five, not the other five, another five and his hurry dress from 90 to 60 and I've got 10 milligrams left to give. What do you think I did?
You can bet your ass I did. I was like hold on a second. I and I initially pause cause I was like hold on, I think this is a really big dose for this guy. I don't think he's going to be able to handle it. I held it and I said hey change your order. Because I'm not giving anymore. And they're like, they said why? And I said, hey, his heart rate was 110. I gave him 10 milligrams and it dropped to 60, and I had another 10 to give. His blood pressure responded, but his heart rate also tanked. So that's where this, this is where I'm talking about this critical thinking part, is that it helps to develop this idea of, hey, I have to take into consideration, I've considered my class, I've considered any side effects because I know that my Beta blockers are going to drop my patient's heart rate.
I've considered all of these other things. I know that it's working on the cardiovascular system. I know that if I take him on, I end up coding this guy. Nobody wants to do that. So nobody wants to spend their entire, uh, shift doing a code for some crazy dose stuff. Right? So this is what I'm talking about when I say consideration, what should I consider a Denison at? Listen, is it drug given for SVT and Denison's half life is about half a second. Meaning that in half a second, once you administer it, half of it goes away. How fast do you think that I should give a Denison in the bed? I need to get it. Supraventricular Tachycardia. That's what SVT stands for.
You Slam it, you slam it. Denison, um, is usually two syringes in a stopcock and they're turned off. And what you do is you like usually your six or 12 or is in one syringe and then your flushes and another and you go boom, boom. And you literally, it's drug flush and it's in the system. It's that fast. So this is what I'm talking about when I say administration. How fast should I get it? How am I giving it? Flomax. For instance, Flomax is a drug for benign prostatic hyperplasia. If you have a patient with a Dobhoff tube, which is a really, it's a feeding tube that goes into the duodenum, has really, really tiny boars, little tiny holes. If you give Flomax in that tube, it's going to clog it every time. So Flomax should not be given in a dobhoff. So if you have a patient with a dome off and they say get Flomax, you say, hold on. So these are things where I'm talking about administering. Let's talk about patient education for a minute. These are other things that you have to consider with your patients. So if I'm educating my patients, if they're on a drug that says, don't give with great fruit, what should you tell the patient?
Don't drink grapefruit. It's easy, right? But the patient doesn't know it unless you are educating them. So this is where it comes. You have to know what, uh, like what drugs are affected by certain foods or don't get with milk or hey, this stomach, this food might upset your or this medication might upset your stomach. You probably should take it on a full meal. Okay? So that's one thing that, or some, let's say a patient says, hey look, every time I take this drug, it kind of makes me sick to my stomach. Cool, great. Uh, antibiotics is one. Cool. If that's the case, I'm gonna make sure that you, hey, this might upset your stomach. Make sure you eat okay. Especially if you've been caring for them and you're doing a discharge and you're going to send them home, you're like, Hey, just make sure you eat.
We know that you've been sick. Just make sure you eat before you take your medication. Cool. Right. Um, other vital information. So what other things should I be aware of when I'm considering these drugs? Like, um, in cases of, uh, at home, um, some patients go home on Lovenox and they give themselves injections. So something that I need to tell my patient is don't scratch the site and also make sure that you're not, uh, make sure that you're not, that you're alternating sites. The other thing that you should do, like with Lovenox is to make sure that they follow up with their positions. This is other stuff that, uh, are their providers to make sure that they are aware of. So that's what I'm talking about with considerations. All right. Uh, Amber's pre and post assessments. Amber, what do you mean by pre and post assessments?
And I'm going to give you guys a link to this card here in a second.
and Roy your top type in that. I'm gonna keep going and get to get through this. And a they blockers. What? Uh, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. So well what is, what's my blood pressure before? Watch my blood pressure after. What's my heart rate before? What's my heart rate after? Yeah. Those are things that's part of that, that nursing process, the Advi assess, diagnose, plan, implement, evaluate and evaluate for sure. And then you need a reassess. Okay, cool. Cards, cards. Is this last part of the c? So this card is, I I want you to do, I want you to get a binder. I want you to print out as many of these drug cards as you can. I want you to take the drugs that you know and I want you to start filling them out. You put your generic name, trade name, which is a brand name, which pharmacologic class.
Remember, what does it do in therapeutic class? How does it help it's action. Um, why we give it, I want you to fill this card out and I want you to memorize it. I don't want you to study them. And then I want you to throw them all away and I want you to start over and as you fill them out, like give, the only thing that you have is a list of drugs and once you to fill out everything you know about each drug, just as you go and we're going to get into, we'll get into southern here in a second, but just fill it out as much as you can. Oh, okay. What's that thing? I don't remember. What's the thing I don't remember. I don't remember what I need to do before, what I need to do after or what other nursing considerations and you take. Okay, cool. Fill it out. And then you get to the point where you're like, I know all of these drugs. So what happens whenever I say I need you to, I want you to do, create as many of these as possible who can give a guest as to how many drugs are on the market today? Prescription drugs.
that's a wrap. Sarah just came up with some random number of 7,890 Sarah is actually the closest. If this were the prices right as she would have, but she would have gone over it. There's about 6,800 medications on that, on the current market today. More than the stars, including nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals or nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. There's lots. Um, so let's talk about this for a second. This goes to the k. So what do we need to know about drugs? Right? So there are tons and tons and tons of drugs or 6,800. Do you, do you think as a nurse that you should know every drug?
No. What's a drug not possible? Well, people with identic men emer memory could, I couldn't, I know a lots, but damn, I don't normal. Okay. Right. So medications are based on needs and research. Um, Sandra says you should know where to look them up. Yep. You should exact Chris's on it. Well, this is what pharmacists are for. Pharmacists are that there are your resource. So medications are based on needs and research. If I say that I am a taking a medication, uh, for, let's say I'm taking a p, uh, let's say I'm taking a PPI, right?
PPIs have relatively low side effects. Um, they're relatively low cost. As time progresses, they find ways to improve costs. Right. Um, do you think it's beneficial for the pharmaceutical company to come out with a new PPI?
Right. So the answer is probably they will, but they probably shouldn't because the needs and research say that there are plenty of drugs in the market that do a great job that have low side effects and are low cost. Right? So low cost and low risk drugs are more common. So we don't need to create more lines. The rare drugs are going to be used in rare cases. Um, there's a new drug in the market and it's, this is going to blow your mind. Get ready. I hope you're all sitting down. Um, I took it and this is why I know, um, it's called big amox and what Vigamox does is a, it's a, um, it is a literally Aleve and no macros all together. So it's Aleve and uh, proudly sat together and one tablet for a 90 days or 90 tablets. Who wants to guess how much it costs me or how much the cost of it was. Yup. Amber, 3000. It's like 3,500 bucks. Yeah. What is right. I wish you could answer Giphys in here cause I'm a Gif nerd. Um,
it's ridiculous. Does it work? Yes, it works. Um, in the meantime, while I was waiting for it, I took a leave at that dose and I took [inaudible] at that dose and I was totally fine. Um, I just liked the convenience of taking one pill and I ended up getting a, like a voucher to make it 10 bucks, which we're not into the ethics of pharmaceutical companies, but this is what I'm talking about when I talk about rare drugs are used in rare cases, oncology drugs, cancer drugs, chemotherapeutic drugs. Um, those things are going to be used in more rare cases. So we have this thing that we practice here at NRSNG called the 80 20 rule. It's called [inaudible] principle. And basically what it means is that 80% of the outcomes, 80% of the outcome is a result of 20% of the work. Same thing applies. You're going to give 80% of the drugs 20% of the time and if you flip it, that means 80% of the time you're going to give 20% of all the drugs. So what does that mean for you guys? Oops, let me back up. I thought there was an extra slide in here. We'll go back for a second. So what that means is that if I am in an l attack or sniff and I'm caring for longterm patients, do I need to know about an epinephrine drip?
Amber is plugging that 140 months. No drugs. Yeah. So John was in the hospital and he found that there were, he started writing down the drug names of all of the, like the most common ones he was seeing. He kept getting orders for this drug and this drug and this drug. And this drug we didn't finding is that 80% of the time he was using like these hundred and 40 drugs. So in the library there's a 140 months, no drugs book. It's basically going to give you the most common types. It's going to give you basically everything broken down by the sock method. Okay? So if I'm on, what you should do is familiarize yourself with the unit, the unit you're on, the facility you're in. You need to know, when I was the, um, the surgical trauma ICU, I needed to know about drips.
I needed to know about, um, blood transfusions. I needed to know about, uh, pain management. I needed to know about those kinds of things. I did not really, let's say it this way, I did not need to know about the different types of pharmacodynamics of cancer drugs. I didn't because I saw those patients very rarely. I saw plenty of cancer patients, but most of them had just had some sort of surgery. So it's really important that you recognize this rule. No. The drugs that are on your unit, no. The drugs that you're going to be mostly familiar with because your patients go to, are going to rely on you very, very, very intimately. Is there a list for ob specific drugs? Amber asks, um, I can tell you off the top of my head the most common ones. You're gonna see our pitocin, uh, tr butylene.
Um, I think misoprostol is a new as another one. I think at some point ob, uh, Miriam does an ob farm lesson and she does her sessions on this. I'll find out when she's doing it again and, and if she's not doing it anytime soon, I'll get it posted. But what we can do is we can have you go over the most common types of ob pharmacology, pharmacology meds. But what I want you to do as you guys go through this as you start to, so like for instance, um, Nicole did a session yesterday on, uh, anti-coagulants. Um, she does want on antihypertensives. I do want on pain management. Um, I know that, uh, Miriam does run on the OB drugs. I want you to start taking the sock method and applying it to those drugs. So we say, hey, let's hit this last slide real quick.
So the correct order, we think this is the right order, right? Nope, this is actually the right order you're going to, when you're learning about drugs, organs first, what organs does it affect? Is it a cardiac drug? Is it a respiratory drug? Is it an antibiotic? What, what Org, what organ systems am I working against? No, what do I need to know about it? Do I need to know about it? If you get report, let's say you're back in that and attack and you're taking care of those patients, you're getting report from, maybe it's an ICU transfer that's been awhile and they just need to transfer it to an Altec. How'd that happen? Um, they're like, hey, he was on Epi drip at one an hour, one a minute, whatever. Do you need to know know if you don't, that means these other kind of, these other things kind of fall by the wayside. So as you're learning drugs, okay, I need to know it needs or no one organs are affected, I need to know it. Now, if I think about the class and the consideration and I'm practicing it, I know that class and I can extrapolate some of these side effects and what you end up finding as you do this method more and more, that this becomes very fluid, that you will jump around because you start to make connections. So, um, this
is actually the correct order when you're applying this is this is what you need to know about how you take the sock method and apply it to, it's the application process of learning it. So remember, you want to work on those cards, get those cards, learn them, but remember sock and then I'm just gonna. Um, there's different ways. Um, I figured out this really silly way to say it and there were, we did a tutoring session and because we're so close to Oklahoma, um, uh, the student, the user actually said, hey, uh, the way I remember it is OKC, Oklahoma City, and just remember the ass and it like, okay. And because I'm so like, I can't get that out of my head. So. Alright, perfect. Chris, thanks for showing up. Okay. Of course, that's whatever works for you. Go guys. So that's the sock method. So let's cover, um, but it really, I think it's really helpful for you guys. Um, so what questions do you have that I can answer? I've got a couple of minutes. Well, we're sure I take my in class next week. I've been using her stuff primarily for practice questions. Any other tips to be successful in testing? Pharm is definitely my weakest topic. Uh, Stephanie, when is your [inaudible] thank you, sir. The 27th. What Day is that? Thursday, I guess Thursday. So John is doing, uh, the first thing I recommend is, um,
first off, have you taken the Sim clocks?
Might raise this up a little bit, Huh? Okay. And Pass. Cool. Great. Continue practicing your MP MPQ questions. Um, w the other thing I want you to encourage you to do is if you have not taken the test taking, um, course go through it. We talk about this, um, their tips, like we do sat questions opposite same, um, absolutes, uh, in question traps. All of those things are that testing. Of course I encourage you to do that. If there are certain maybe, uh, processes that you're worried about, like, hey, maybe I have a little bit of test anxiety, what can I, what tools and tips and tricks can I use to go into that testing and course I'll use that. The other thing is, um, Tuesday at one John will be on here to do, let me tell you
John will be here cause every Tuesday he does test taking at one central. I don't want to tell you wrong, where's that priority? So he's going to go through, so this coming Tuesday he's going to go through priority. So when you're prioritizing what is the first thing you do, what is the first action, what is the first like that's how he does it. So what I want you to is go in and uh, kind of that session. It's like 30, 30, 45 minutes. I'm like that. Um, just if you have any questions about that in the meantime, go back into that test to test taken course. Find those areas that you feel like you are most uncomfortable with. Maybe in the processes and see if that can help you.
How should, how should I break it down for a weekly study plan? Alright, let me answer Donna's question first. Looking at the drug car, what's the difference between pharmacologic class and therapeutic class? Pharmacologic class is, what does it do in terms of anatomy and physiology? So I'm represents a proton pump inhibitor, therapeutic classes. How does it help? So it's an anti-ulcer. So that's the difference for oncology pharmacologic classes. What does it do? There are PT classes, how does it help? So amber, how should I break it down for a weekly study plan? Amber, how far away are you from [inaudible]?
Have you scheduled it or have you graduated? Where are we at? Okay, so we have a 12, six, four and two week, uh, study plan, cheat sheet, and then broken out into like a calendar and it goes over like how many MPQ questions you should take a day and how many, uh, what lessons you should cover and all that stuff. As you get closer, I encourage you, this is what I encourage you to do everyday. Take at least 10 to 15 or so. MPQ questions that'll get you familiar with the way the questions are structured. All of our MPQ questions are written by the NCSR by in C s B n trained, uh, question writers. So NC, ESPN is the National Council of state boards of nursing. They are the administrators of the inclax and all of our question writers are trained by them to write questions. So everything is going to be structured in the same way and like stem and then all your different question types, all that stuff is there.
I encourage you to take 10 to 15, uh, just a day just to kind of get used to it. Start and see. I struggle with and I was like, I don't understand this and I'm type A, when it comes to, uh, like questions, I was like, I'm not getting A's on it. It sucked. I was so frustrated. But that's my personality. And so they're like, look, understanding, it comes with time. So the more you become familiar with it, the more you'd be like. So by the time you even sit down in a test in 2021, you're going to be ready to go. But as you get closer, you can start to figure out, hey, this is what, these are my areas of weakness. And um, if you also also, if you haven't, uh, figured out study plans or need a walkthrough contact, um, are supporting, contacted and set up a, a ton of Skype call and they'll walk you through, they'll walk you through maybe some of the things, the features you haven't seen, courses you haven't seen, um, set up your study plans based on your syllabus, that kind of stuff. So that's what I would do.
Um, do you guys have any other questions? And amber, amber, let me backup. Did I answer all your questions? School is changing the core. Next semester we met. If you see a mad that you've never heard of, what is your, if you see a okay Raymond House, I want to make sure I read this right. If you see a man that you've never heard of, what's your guessing game on what it is? Um, so we're in, I want to ask, I just want to make sure I clarify real quick. Um, so how do I personally, like, um, how do I personally approach a new drug? I've never heard of? Is that what you're asking?
Okay. Um, I always forget, like, I don't even look at brand names anymore. Like I, I'm to the point where I get more information by trying to guess and I'll look on at me like, Eh, okay, I have a good idea. Right. Um, we'll wrap this up in just a second, but, um, that's what, that's kind of the way I would approach it is to see if I can figure out the, um, figure out what's going on with it in terms of, of, uh, maybe I can guess by what class it is and if I can, great. If not, I just pull out, uh, a pocket tees is one that I use or a medscape or I use one of my sound resources to figure out what's going on. Um, so that's kind of how I approach it. Some drugs I'm just not familiar with and I have to go learn about it. Cool. Greg? Little bit of an intellectual humility cause I understand. I don't know everything when it comes to drugs, just like we do with every one of those sessions it was on in [inaudible]. Try to look at those suffixes. Oh, um, real quick. Let me find that one. My battery's about to die at my computer. I want to make sure I get this for you real quick. We're running out of time for like, I'm going to dismantle a bomb.
I have time for like one more question. If you guys want it, want to ask it. See if this is it. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Where does that one,
oh, I swear we had one. I'll tell you what guys, uh, email contact to interest in g. Um, and put it like a attention chance, a pharmacology cheat sheet. Um, and then when I can do, um, oh Donna, I know exactly what you're talking about. Um, and then, uh, just contacted the nurse and g pharmacology cheat sheet question for chance. I will find, we did a handout at NRSNG. I, it's awesome. It's got like all the prefixes, suffixes. I can't find it just at the second. Um, and we'll make sure that, uh, the support team gets that over to you guys. I'm gonna ask you about the syllabus and the question was, uh, what did I say about help with the syllabus? If you have a syllabus that's specific to your, to your, um, to your school or your, um, program, what you can do is, uh, set up a chat with one of like a Skype call with one of the contact, uh, team members or the support team members and they can actually help you set up a study plan to help do that.
And we have matching courses to match up with ATI books. So if you guys have struggled at ATI and want to see what courses go where, that'll actually help you. So, ah, that form, that link that I put in there as actually a feedback form, we were going to get some user feedback. So guys, uh, we really appreciate you, uh, fill out that form. It takes like 30 seconds. Um, and I'm going to get this out before my computer dies and kills the fee. So, all right, guys. Got me your best selves today. And as always, happy nursing.
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