How to Make and Keep a Study Schedule in Nursing School |

What are you struggling with in nursing school? is the BEST place to learn nursing. With over 2,000+ clear, concise, and visual lessons, there is something for you!
Learning how to study for nursing school is one of the most critical skills you can learn as a student.
Making and keeping study schedules will be one of the best skills you will learn.
In this episode, I share with you how I used to study in nursing school, what I would do today if I were to go back to nursing school, and lastly, how will help you make and keep study schedules as a nursing student.
Get Your S*** Together (time management for nursing students)
Nursing school requires an intense amount of work. To maintain the level of organization needed to stay on top of things you will need some planning. Here are some great time management tips that will help you stay on top of not only nursing school, but everything else you have going on.
Learning to “Get Back Up Again” as a Nursing Student
Perfection is an impossible goal as a nurse. You will make mistakes, you will fall down, you will fail . . . The important thing is learning to get back up after the failure hits. Today, I am talking with a member, Jenna, about her journey in nursing school and her future as a nurse.
16 Things You DON’T Learn in Nursing School
We want to help clue you in on some of the not so “educational” things that may be missing from your current curriculum. From one experienced nurse to nursing students everywhere….keep these tips in mind when you walk on the floor.
You can thank us later….
1. When walking a patient, using two gowns is good for everyone (one in front…and the more important one around the back….like a robe)
2. Do not ever call the residents “baby doc” to their face
3. NEVER say the “Q” word (quiet)
4. Use the call light to page the secretary when no one comes to help you
5. After you give report….RUN!
6. Make sure the volume on your phone is OFF! This way when a dr. goes to tell a family bad news Pandora doesn’t start randomly playing in your pocket
7. Always have an extra set of scrubs in your locker…poop knows no bounds.
8. KFC does not qualify as a liquid soft diet
9. Your 90 year old frail patient WILL fight with you when you try and give him a yellow pill and the one he takes at home is green
10. Contrary to popular belief some patients may not realize that the hospital is not synonymous with the Hilton
11. Take your shoes off BEFORE walking into your house (or sometimes even getting in your car…)
12. You will never care about poop this much again until you have your first child
13. Everyone in your family WILL ask you to check out their weird mole
14. It’s ok to block every unknown number on your days off
15. Never ever start a shift without a coffee bolus
16. NEVER assume who family members are (ie: wife, girlfriend, mom…) your bound to make a big mistake