01.02 Reading Comprehension

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Greetings and welcome to this lesson reading comprehension.

So as a teacher it is often stated that no matter what subject you teach, we are all reading teachers. I tell my students frequently that in order to be the smartest person in the room all you have to do is read and comprehend…. because nobody else is taking the time to do it. SO let's delve into ways to comprehend what we are taking time to read better. So research shows that there are 5 things to consider as you are reading the material in order to best comprehend said material, distinguish what you read from fact and opinion, infer with context clues, determine text structure, know the types of language and consider is the denotation and connotation of terms.So the first one here seems pretty obvious but actually it is a skill that seems to need more attention now than ever. With the internet and volumes of information out there, one way to really comprehend what we are reading is to question it. Are we being presented with facts, are they current and how do we know? Often times opinions can be intentionally presented as being as factual to make a certain point or persuade but it is our job as the reader to scrutinize and double check facts or at least determine whether the author is presenting information from a point of view.

Number 2, making inferences is the art of picking up what the author is putting down. So, in other words, there a sometimes going to be details that are not directly told to us but the reader is going to have to attempt to infer but reading between the lines.

The third important thing to consider when attempting to comprehend a reading passage is the text structure that is being used. Is it written in a way that a problem is presented and a solution is either being considered or requested. A descriptive piece is used to give details about the topic. hi is done by focusing on the characteristics and details of one idea or topic. Of course, there is always the text designed to compare or contrast things or ideas. A piece could also discuss the cause and effect of an issue or topic at hand and lastly, some readings might be a narrative (or story) or written in a persuasive manner to argue a specific point of view. 

Number 4 is knowing the type of language the author is using,  Writing with simile is writing descriptions using like or as, a metaphor is when the author compares unlike things that have something in common and sometimes the author will attempt to personify an object, idea or animal 

Lastly, good reading comprehension will look for the author using the explicit meaning of something (denotation) possibly write using connotation which includes implied social overtones or emotional feelings brought about when certain words are used.

So in review, good readers analyze their text for factual statements vs. opinions. Readers look for what the author might be implying without saying it directly. Readers should consider the structure of the text; are they presenting a problem, describing something, comparing and contrasting ideas, explaining something with cause and effect or telling a story or arguing a point. Lastly is the reader is considering the word choice of the author and if they are using explicit language and/or word that evokes certain feelings.

Thank you for reviewing the reading comprehension with us today. Now go out and be your best self today and happy nursing!


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