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Hey guys, my name is Marie and I just want to let you guys know that when you give report from ICU to the floor, it's going to be a little more detailed. So we're going to give a review of systems. We're going to include the patient's name, birth date, allergies and code status. And then also they need to know the provider and any consults that have been made, current diagnosis and past medical history should be included. And then skin integrity of the patient should always be addressed. All right, so this is Mr. Smith. He's a 45 year old, who was admitted with uncontrolled diabetes. So he is allergic to penicillin and he is a full code. So with his uncontrolled diabetes, he's been a type one for 20 years, but then recently he's started to become non-compliant for some reason. So he came in with DKA, so diabetic ketoacidosis, but a, an insulin drip helped to bring his sugars down.
So we're doing a lot better right now. Dr. Todd is his doctor and then he has a 20 gauge Ivy in his right AC with LR running at one 25. We have a consult for endocrinology for labs. His A1C was actually 8.5, so he's been uncontrolled for a while and then his CBC was normal. Okay. Mr. Smith is continent. He's had been having regular bowel movements and he is up ad lib right now. He's not a fall risk right now, but we're watching him just with the blood sugars. We just don't know what's gonna happen. So he's going to have Lantis ordered at 2000. Okay. Blood sugars are before meals and at bedtime. So the only thing is is we need to notify the doctor if his sugars go above 400. So just keep that in mind. He hasn't been about 400 yet, so I think we're good. But what was his last sugar? Did you tell me his last sugar was? No, I did not tell you if his last sugar was one 25. Okay. Pretty good. Great. All right. Any questions for you? Nope. All right. Hey, I'm just going to do a quick assessment since you're new to the floor. Okay, guys, thanks for joining us on these practice scenarios. Happy nursing.
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