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Hey Guys, welcome to the concept map course.
We are going to cover a basic concept map for different diseases. We have several to choose from. These will include contributing factors, medications to treat, and nursing diagnoses.
In each lesson the educator will go through a concept map with you. In the center you have the primary diagnosis. Let’s say Asthma for example. Then you will have the contirbuting factors so what has caused this asthmatic problem for this patient. Medications will be given as well as education and lab work. For those of you that still do nursing diagnoses for you school, those will be listed here for you. So this is just a basic standard concept map that will hopefully help you to critically think about the patient’s you have in clinical with a similar diagnosis and you can build on this.
I hope these concept maps will help you all to connect the dots and pull the pieces together. We love you guys! Go out and be your best self today! And as always, Happy Nursing!
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