SBAR Practice Scenarios

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Hey guys today we’re going to go through some practice SBAR scenarios. You can pause and practice in between. 

Let’s first have a review of what is included in SBAR. S is situation, B is background, A is assessment, R is recommendations. I also think of this as reminders. So the situation is who the patient is and why they are here or what the current situation is. Background is any history, code status, allergies. A is assessment. You do not have to list every assessment piece here. If it is normal its normal. This is where I mention anything related to the situation any pertinent assessment data. R is where we recommend. This could be “if the blood pressure doesn’t come down then I recommend calling the doctor”. Or it could even be “I recommend crushing her pills in applesauce”. This is where I also remind the nurse of items like labs that are due in the night or a reminder of the family's phone number. Just anything extra to make sure you remind them of.


So to get better at SBAR you have to practice. I have several practice scenarios for you and then you can pause the video and determine your S, B, A, and R.  Ok so Mrs. T is an 89-year-old woman that arrived in the emergency room by ambulance from her assisted living facility. She is a no-code and no allergies. She had a fall from her bed and has dementia. She is not complaining of pain since given morphine at 1800. The x-ray shows a hip break. Her skin is intact and she is receiving NS in her right forearm. Vital signs are stable and the family has been notified by the assisted living that she is in the hospital. Surgery is a possibility for the morning, but the surgeon has not confirmed this yet. The day shift nurse needs to give report to the oncoming night shift nurse.


Now pause the video and determine your SBAR. Ready to review? S- This patient, Mrs. an 89-year-old patient who arrived a few hours ago from her facility after a fall. B-She has a history of dementia and is a no-code patient with no known allergies. A-X-ray showed a broken right hip. On assessment, her skin is intact, vitals are stable, she has no current complaints of pain, but did receive morphine at 1800. She has NS infusing in her right forearm and there are no other abnormalities with her assessment. R-There is a possibility that she might have surgery in the morning so she needs to be kept NPO tonight. I recommend updating the family when we know for sure if surgery will happen. How did you do? Let’s do some more!


Mr. U is a 69-year-old man that was seen 3-weeks-ago for a gash on his heal that was cultured and showed an infection. He had been scheduled for knee replacement surgery until this occurred and the orthopedic doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics that has been completed. He now has arrived at the emergency room unable to put weight on the leg and walk. He is a full code. His leg and knee are extremely swollen and warm to touch. The skin on the heal is closed and not showing signs of infection. The nurse needs to call the orthopedic doctor and update him. Alright, pause the video again so you can determine SBAR. Ready? S- Hi. Dr.____. This is____ and I'm caring for Mr. U who arrived to the emergency room a few minutes ago. He is a 69-year-old patient that you have been caring for. B-He was originally scheduled for knee surgery a few weeks ago but this was postponed due to an infected gash on his heal that you prescribed antibiotics for. A-He presents with a large amount of swelling in his left leg and he can not put weight on this leg. It is swollen and warm to touch. R-Would you like to see him in the ER and aspirate fluid to culture and/or have an x-ray done? You will get better at those recommendations I think that is the most challenging to get comfortable with!

Alright here is another short one for you. Mrs. W is a 62-year-old woman who arrived to the emergency room by ambulance. The EMT explains that she had felt funny and started to shake and convulse. Potassium is 3.0 mEq/L and the client reports having blood in the stool. Her blood sugar is 78mg/dl. She is extremely tired and has a headache. Mrs. W is allergic to sulfa. The nurse needs to update the doctor on the patient's arrival. Alright pause again and figure out your SBAR.  Alright so our S- Dr.___ Mrs. W arrived from the ambulance after convulsing at home. Her lab work came back and her potassium is low a 3.0 mEq/L.. B-We do not have much of a history yet but the patient is reporting blood in her stool and she is allergic to sulfa. A- Her blood sugar has been checked and within normal limits. She is complaining of a headache and appears postictal. R-Do you want us to give her some potassium replacement and send a stool sample. Do you want to do a CT scan for the convulsions or an EEG?

Alright here is another short one for you. Mrs. W is a 62-year-old woman who arrived to the emergency room by ambulance. The EMT explains that she had felt funny and started to shake and convulse. Potassium is 3.0 mEq/L and the client reports having blood in the stool. Blood sugar is 78mg/dl. She is extremely tired and has a headache. Mrs. W is allergic to sulfa. The nurse needs to update the doctor on the patient's arrival. Alright pause again and figure out your SBAR.  Alright so our S- Dr.___ Mrs. W arrived from the ambulance after convulsing at home. Her lab work came back and her potassium is low a 3.0 mEq/L.. B-We do not have much of a history yet but the patient is reporting blood in her stool and she is allergic to sulfa. A- Her blood sugar has been checked and within normal limits. She is complaining of a headache and appears postictal. R-Do you want us to give her some potassium replacement and send a stool sample. Do you want to do a CT scan for the convulsions or an EEG?

Lets wrap up and recap. Report and communication are just hard! So practice. This is how you will get better. You might now have said everything exactly the same as I did and thats ok. Everyone will have their own flow. When you are knew to this, I  suggest listing to others talks to doctors and others give a report to find things you like. And SBAR is the situation, background, assessment, and recommendations and maybe now youll like to add reminders to that “R”


We love you guys! Go out and be your best self today! And as always, Happy Nursing!


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