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So if you have a patient who has a need for restraints, you’ve got a provider order, and you’ve explained to the patient and the family what’s happening, now you can apply the soft wrist restraints. They come in a pack of 2.
You’ll first apply the cuff around the patient’s wrist and secure it. You want to make sure you can still fit two fingers snugly under the cuff. We don’t want to cause any issues with perfusion to the hand!
Then you’re going to take the strap and attach it to a non-movable part of the bed frame. So NOT the side rails. They move and could cause injury to the patient. When you’ve located a good spot, you want to use a quick release method to secure the strap.
Wrap the strap around the frame, then pull a loop through to create a slip knot. I like to make a double slip knot by pulling one more loop through.
Either way, this is still a quick release knot. That way if you need to quickly move or turn your patient, like if they are throwing up and you need to turn them to the side, you can quickly release this restraint and care for your patient.
So that’s how to secure a soft wrist restraint! Remember to use your best judgment when it comes to restraints and remove them as soon as they aren’t needed anymore!
We love you guys. Go out and be your best selves today! And, as always, happy nursing!
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