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Alright, let’s do an example here. This one’s a little bit hard. It says “A patient is receiving oxygen by nasal cannula. After morning care, the patient experiences dyspnea and complains of feeling tired. When planning for the patient’s bath the next day, the nurse should plan to?” Okay, so, what step are we in the nursing process right now? Right now, we’re talking about planning. Okay, so, we need to recognize where we are in the nursing process. We’ve assessed, we’ve diagnosed, we’ve plan, implement, evaluate, we’ve done our whole bath, now we’re back to the planning stage. We’ve evaluated, we said, okay, the patient is experiencing a lot of dyspnea, you know, after I implemented my bath, I’m evaluating, they all have dyspnea going on. I need to plan a new intervention here. So, that’s where we’re at in the nursing process, it’s the planning stage. So, first one is give a complete bed bath quickly. Bathe only the body parts that need bathing. Arrange for several rest periods during morning care. Continue with the same plan because dyspnea is unavoidable. So, let’s pretend that we don’t know what the right answer is. The first one is give a complete bed bath quickly. That’s implementation. Is that planning? No. That’s implementation. Bathe only the body parts that need bathing. Is that planning? No. That’s implementation again. Arrange for several rest periods during morning care. Arranging, that’s planning. That’s doing a planing piece of the nursing process. Number 4, continue with the same plan because dyspnea is unavoidable. So, is that evaluating? Is that doing anything? Like, we saw a problem in our patient, we implemented our first plan, we saw a problem. And now, it says, continue doing it, whatever. We evaluated, we diagnosed, we saw a problem with what’s going on, they’re not breathing, they’re experiencing dyspnea. And what is it this option says, it says continue with it ‘cause that’s cool, you know. Obviously, that one is not correct. So, by following the nursing process, by knowing that we’re in the planning phase, we can then select the right answer simply using the nursing process. So, what I want you to do when you get your next question, when you get another question on test, when you get a question on the NCLEX, or whatever, I want you to look at what phase am I in the nursing process? What needs to be done in that phase and is it time to go to the next phase? If you do that, if you write A.D.P.I.E. down just on your scratch paper, or whatever, write A.D.P.I.E. down on each question, circle where you’re at, and determine, is it time to move on to the next stage? Have I fully completed what needs to be done in this stage? And so, for this question here, for example, it says “What should the nurse plan to do?” The only option that’s allowing us to plan, that’s not implementing, or that’s not, you know, just ignoring the nursing process together. It’s number 3, which is, arrange for several rest periods during the morning care. Alright, so, always take the A.D.P.I.E. I want you to live by A.D.P.I.E. not just in nursing school, but as a nurse on the floor. Live by A.D.P.I.E. Alright, hope that helps guys and we’ll see you soon.
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