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In this video we’re going to look at how to empty a wound drain, specifically a Jackson-Pratt bulb drain. These drains help to carry drainage away from the wound so they can heal faster with a lower risk for infection.First, you need a graduated cup of some sort that will allow you to measure the output. Urine specimen cups are my go-to, because I can put a lid on it when I’m done!Place a towel or incontinence pad below the drain in case you spill.Now, before you empty the drain, make sure you inspect the drainage for its color and characteristics. Is it serous and clear, is it bright red blood, is it full of clots, is it pus?Now, you can carefully open the port of the drain and then turn it upside down to empty into the cup. You may have to gently squeeze the bulb to make sure it’s fully empty.Once the drain is empty, set the cup on the bedside table while you close the drain.Gently squeeze the bulb to create new suction and quickly replace the cap of the port. If it’s covered in drainage, you can wipe it with an alcohol pad, then squeeze the bulb and close the cap.If you find that the tubing has clots or blockages in it, you gently squeeze or milk it - but you never strip the tubing - it can create excessive suction that can cause damage to the wound.Now you can measure the output by looking at the drainage at eye level. Make note of the volume.Now you can dispose of everything appropriately and document the details about the output.That’s it. Make sure you know specifically how to manage whatever drain your patient has - if you aren’t sure, ask!Now, go out and be your best selves today. And, as always, happy nursing!
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