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So, let’s say our provider order calls for a half tab of this medication. You’re going to open the pill cutter, then remove the pill from its packaging
Carefully place the pill in the cutter so that the scoring line lines up with the blade - don’t cut your finger!
Then close the cutter firmly, you’ll feel the pill snap.
Now open the cutter and drop ½ into a medicine cup. The other half, you can dispose of appropriately based on your facility’s policy. Make sure you close the cutter again so no one cuts themselves.
Now, if we need to crush pills, we’re going to use the crushing chamber. ANY time you’re crushing pills, you will do one medication at a time - don’t ever mix multiple meds in the crusher.
Open the pill crusher, then remove the pill from its packaging
Place the pill in the crushing chamber and twist it closed. Push past the resistance you feel - that’s just the pill breaking.
Twist it back and forth a few times to make sure the pill is fully crushed.
Open the crusher and tap the lid a few times to remove residue, then you can transfer the powder to a medicine cup.
You’re going to repeat this process with each medication you need to administer, each in their own medicine cup.
If you’re giving it in applesauce, do it a little bit at a time, on the spoon, one medication at a time. If you put it all in the full applesauce cup, and the patient doesn’t eat it all, you don’t know what they have and haven’t received.
If you’re giving it via NG tube, you can take the medicine cups and water with you to the bedside and prep for that. Make sure you check out the NG Tube Medication Administration lesson for more about that.
If you’re ever unsure whether or not you can crush or cut a pill, check with the Pharmacist - that’s what they’re there for!
Now, go out and be your best selves today. And, as always, happy nursing!
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