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In this video, we’re going to show you the proper technique for subcutaneous injections. Remember you should always rotate sites, so make sure you know the last place they got their shot. And, of course, always follow your 5 rights.First, of course, calculate your required dose and draw up the medication in an appropriate syringe and needle size. In this case, we’ve got 15 units of NPH insulin to administer, so we’re using an insulin syringe.Now, you will choose an appropriate site - in this case, we’re going to give it in the upper outer arm on the patient’s right side.Open your alcohol pad and cleanse the site in circles from the center outward and let it dry.Pinch the skin away from the muscle so you have a layer of subcutaneous fat between your fingers.Insert the needle at a 45-90 degree angle and inject the medication slowly. Then remove the needle.You can apply gentle pressure with gauze, but do NOT massage the area.Activate the safety on the needle and/or throw the needle away in the sharps container.Remember any time you give insulin you should be checking blood sugars before and checking on the patient afterward.Document your administration and monitor your patient for the effects of the meds! Now, go out and be your best selves today. And, as always, happy nursing!
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