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In this video, we’re going to show you how to spike and prime IV bags and tubing. You will do this both for primary infusions AND secondary infusions or piggybacks. First, of course, verify your order and use your 5 rights. Then remove the IV fluid bag from its package.Then you’ll open the IV tubing package and clamp the tubing with roller clamp. Make sure that’s the only clamp that’s clamped.Now, invert the IV fluid bag and remove the stopper from the port.Then, remove the cover from the spike on the IV tubing and insert the spike into the port on the bag. You may have to push and twist to get it all the way in, just make sure you’re going straight so you don’t puncture the bag.Now you can turn the bag right-side up and hang it on an IV pole.You want to squeeze the drop chamber so it’s about ½ full. Now you can slowly unclamp the roller clamp until the fluid starts flowing, and use the roller clamp to control the flow until the tubing is full of the IV fluid.Usually we’ll do this over a sink or a trashcan. Just make sure you get all the bubbles out of it, then clamp the tubing. Now you’re ready to attach the tubing to the patient’s IV access. Make sure you scrub the hub for 30 seconds with alcohol scrub and then twist the leur-lock in placeThen insert the tubing into your IV pump and program appropriately according to your orders. Make sure you unclamp the tubing before you hit start!And, of course, follow your 6 rights and document the med administration.That’s it, make sure you check out the video on hanging an IV piggyback to learn how to hang a secondary infusion. Now, go out and be your best selves today. And, as always, happy nursing!
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