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So some common side effects of ASA or aspirin are abdominal pain and cramping, which could be due to the acidity of aspirin, also heartburn and nausea reported. So let's take a look at some nursing considerations for ASA. Caution should be taken in patients with bleeding disorders and patients who use alcohol. Often, there's a bleeding risk of patients who take aspirin in conjunction with warfarin, clopidogrel, and heparin. Monitor the patient's liver functions and it's important to mention Reye's syndrome or the swelling of the liver and brain, which happens with the syndrome, could occur with a patient on aspirin who also has a viral infection. So signs of Reye's syndrome are seizures, confusion, and loss of consciousness. So a few of my friends work in the pediatric setting and Reye's is something they consider, especially if the child recently had the flu or chickenpox. Important to teach your patient that GI bleeding also can occur with alcohol and NSAIDs. That's it for ASA or aspirin. Now go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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