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So let's take a look at some nursing considerations. You are going to want to assess your patient's infection while on this medication. And also their allergies before therapy begins. Bowel functions should be monitored during therapy for bleeding, and also before therapy cultures should be obtained. This is very important. Cefdinir is contraindicated in patients who have an allergy to cephalosporins and an anaphylactic reaction to penicillin. It's important to know that Cefdinir may lead to seizures as well as phlebitis at the injection site if it's given in its injection form. An important tidbit of information guys, patients who are on antacids or iron supplements should not take these concurrently with Cefdinir, they should be spaced at least two hours apart because Cefdinir can be bound by these medications. That's it for Cefdinir or Omnicef. Now go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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