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Some of the side effects that we see with Divalproex are agitation, dizziness, and insomnia. Some nursing considerations with Divalproex. Monitor liver function tests in your patients, be aware that this medication can cause suicidal thoughts, hepatotoxicity, and pancreatitis. There is an increased risk of bleeding if the patient is also on warfarin. Use caution if your patient is also on MAOIs. Teach the patient to report immediately any thoughts and feelings of suicide to the provider. And guys serum drug level monitoring of seizure medications. Like this one is super important. There are often wide ranges stated in literature, but some patients may require less than that while other patients require more. So do not be surprised if there is a variation in the amount of medication needed for seizure control in your patient. That's it for Divalproex or Depakote. Now go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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