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So let's take a look at a few nursing considerations for fentanyl when administering fentanyl, be sure to reassess your patient with a pain scale very frequently. In addition to the already mentioned side effects, fentanyl may also cause apnea and laryngospasms. Monitor your patient's hemodynamics during administration. Use caution if your patient has things like head trauma, increased ICP, or adrenal insufficiency. Teach your patient not to consume grapefruit juice or take MAOIs while on fentanyl. Now, in the situation of a fentanyl patch, there have been case reports where excessive heat applied to the patch has greatly increased the rate of drug absorption, which actually can lead to overdose and even death. Use of heat where the patch is located should definitely be avoided. So make sure you teach your patient that, and also teach your patient that the patch does not need to be placed where the pain is located, which is a common misconception. That's it for fentanyl or duragesic. Now go out and be your best self today and as always happy nursing.
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