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So let's take a look at a few nursing considerations. Gabapentin may cause suicidal thoughts, ataxia, or lack of muscle control and depression with these things in mind, monitor your patient for changes and behavior and depression while on Gabapentin, make sure you assess seizure activity and pain level in your patient, teach your patient to take this medication exactly as it's directed and to report suicidal thoughts to the provider. So guys dosing regimens vary greatly with Gabapentin depending on why the patient is taking the medication. And also in 2000, there was actually a safety review of Gabapentin by health Canada, which concluded that there was a small but significant risk of breathing problems related to Gabapentin, especially in patients who already have lung, kidney or neurologic issues. So it might be important to keep that in mind, that's it for Gabapentin or Neurotin, I'll go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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