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So ethin works by decreasing pain and inflammation by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis ethin is actually indicated for inflammatory disorders when the patient hasn't responded to other medications. So some side effects that we see with ethin are dizziness, drowsiness, and even headache. So the nursing considerations for endo include monitoring the patient for GI bleeding for hepatitis. And you're also going to want to monitor their renal labs, assess the patient for signs of an anaphylactic reaction and before administering endeth, if it's in the suspension form sure. To shake before administration teach the patient that endeth can cause photo sensitivity. So they should definitely wear sunscreen and protective clothing to protect against photo sensitivity in the Methin GU has also been shown to be a successful medication medication for the treatment of gout, especially in acute flare ups, that's it for endeth or Inn now go out and be your best self today and as always happy nursing.
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