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CTOR can cause some side effects, which can include things like drowsiness, GI, bleeding, head aches, and abdominal pain. So besides the side effects that were already mentioned, Cator may also cause anaphylaxis and Stevens Johnson syndrome Cator may decrease the effectiveness of hypertensive medications and diuretics. It's important for the patient to know that they should not at for more than five days of therapy, because this is a short term medication. And also there is an increased bleeding risk with things like garlic, GCO, and ginger. So it's super important to ask your patient if they are taking any herbal supplements, because many times they do not consider these, um, drugs. Also guys, Toal orator lack also exists as an intranasal medication and even as eyedrops, which we do commonly use for cataract surgery, sit for TOLAC or go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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