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The therapeutic class of lactose is a laxative, which is how it works in the body. And the pharmacologic class is an osmotic, which is the chemical effect of the drug lactulose works because it draws water into the stool and softens the stool, which is wide it is used for. And it also inhibits ammonia passing into the colon, which is why it is used to treat portal systemic encephalopathy. So remember lactulose works by drawing water. So with this, the patient can experience abdominal cramps, abdominal distension, and all also hyperglycemia. Let's take a look at a few nursing considerations for Lalo. Remember lactulose can cause hyperglycemia. So use caution in patients with diabetes while on lactulose, assess your patients, mental status, their amonia levels, and also their abdominal distension teach the patient that while on LEOSE they should be averaging two to three bowel movements per day. Also guys, make sure you teach your patient that because lactoses is a nondigestible sugar, they should make sure they're paying special attention to their teeth. Maintaining good dental hygiene. That's it for OSes or crystals or Lac now go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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