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Let's take a look at a few nursing considerations for Lev flexin. Lev flux ASIN is contraindicated with an allergy. So be sure to encourage the patient, to inform the provider of any allergies, Lev flu ASIN may cause QT prolongation. So avoid use of other meds that also cause this issue. And also it may cause Steven Johnson syndrome assess the infection in the patient. And if cultures are needed, be sure that they're obtained prior to the start of the therapy. LeVox ASIN may decrease the effects or level Afeni toin, renal and liver labs should also be monitored on this medication. So guys of the floral quinolones Lev flux ASIN may have the highest rate of tendon rupture or tendon damage. So be aware of this in patient who may be prone, that's it for LeVox or Levaquin now go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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