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Okay. So remember when we are talking about the therapeutic class of a drug, we're talking about how the drug works in the body and for Meropenem, this is an anti-infective. The pharmacologic class of Meropenem is a carbopenem, which is the chemical effect of the drug. So Meropenem works by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, which is why we use it for the treatment of bacterial meningitis for skin and skin structure infections for the treatment of complicated interabdominal infections and also for SEP sepsis or septic shock. So for Meripenem sometimes we see side effects that include things like constipation, redness at the injection site, because it's an IV medication, headache and nausea.
Okay. Let's take a look at a few nursing considerations for Meropenem meropenam may cause seizures. It may cause C diff and also an anaphylactic reaction use caution in patients who have a cephalosporin allergy and also meropenum may lead to Steven's Johnson syndrome. Remember this is a skin syndrome or also a super infection teach the patient to report effects to the provider, especially those skin issues. So guys here is something interesting. According to the CDC, Meropenem is actually used for the prevention and treatment of anthrax issues. That's it for Meropenem or marrow now go out and be your best self today and as always happy nursing.
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