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Let's take a look at a few nursing considerations for propranolol monitor your patient's hemodynamics, including heart rate and blood pressure, and also monitor their intake and output Pols contraindicated in patients with CHF, pulmonary edema, cardio shock, bradycardia and heart block specifically second and third degree, heart block use caution in patients who have diabetes melitis as their symptoms can be masked by propranolol. Do not stop this medication abruptly because life threatening arrhythmias can a teach your patient to change position slowly, how to take their blood pressure and instruct them to notify their provider. If they have any difficulty with breathing guys, patients need to report any major diet changes to their provider. This is because switching to something like a high protein rich diet, it may increase the bio availability of propranolol by up to 50% and can lead to more side effects in the patient. That's it for propranol or Enderol now go out and be your best self today and as always happy nursing.
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