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So some of the side effects that we see with Citraline or SSRIs in general are dry mouth tremors, drowsiness, and diarrhea, some nursing considerations for Citraline. This drug may cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome, suicidal thoughts, serotonin syndrome, and also sexual dysfunction. Be sure to monitor any mood changes in your patients. It's important to teach the patient that this drug takes one to four weeks for therapy to be effective. And this is super important. Guys do not use Seline with Mao. So guys compared to other SSRIs Citraline has the fewest drug interactions. However, it does have the highest rate of diarrhea and male sexual dysfunction within this drug class and guys, most of the time, the side effects are way more important to the, than any drug interactions, and really can be a reason why they decide to stop taking this medication. That's it for Citraline or Zoloft now go out and be your best self today and as always happy nursing.
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