Hey guys, let's take a look at the drug. Turine also known as breathing or breath air. This is an oral injectable or inhalation medication, as you can see here. Okay. So the therapeutic class or how Turine works in the body is a Bronco dilator in the pharmacologic class or its chemical effect is anergic agent Turine produces Bronco, dilation and inhibits hypersensitive sensitivity reaction, which is why we use it for asthma, C O P D. And in the IV form, we use it for preterm labor with Turine. Sometimes it can create side effects, including nervousness, restlessness, and tremors, a few nursing considerations for Turine be aware that beta blockers reduce the effect of this medication. Assess your patient's respiratory status while on turbine, monitor your patient for hypoglycemia. Also monitor the maternal and fetal vital signs. If this drug is being used for preterm labor, know that turbine may a cause decreased potassium levels and teach the patient to report any side effects to their provider. And speaking a little more about Turine for preterm labor. The use of Turine should only be for short term management of preterm labor. So Turine used beyond 48 to 72 hours has been associated with severe reactions, including death. So we definitely don't want to use it longer than the indicated time. That's it for turbine or breathing or breath air now out and be your best self today and as always happy nursing.