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Some other side effects that we see with Bactrum can cause things like rash, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, a few nursing considerations for trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole or Bactrum monitor your patients intake and output as well as their seed C obtain cultures prior to the SAR of therapy, if they are needed. This drug is contraindicated in patients who have a sulfur allergy, and it may cause renal damage Stevens Johnson syndrome, a Grani low cytosis aplastic anemia, flub, and pseudo me colitis, make sure the patient knows that they have to complete the entire dose, even if they're feeling better. And also they should drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day while on this medication. So guys with BA there is a risk of sudden death with pain patients taking BA with an ARB or ACE inhibitor. The mechanism is not very clear, but on patients who are on an anti-hypertensive medication, like an ARB or ACE inhibitor, it may be in the best interest to hold this hypertensive medication. If they absolutely need to be on Bru and use the shortest course of this, anti-infective possible, that's it for tri Metre Ulfa meth ol or Bru now go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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