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The Hematology/Oncology/Immunology course combines discussion of some of the most common blood disorders, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. These three systems are intertwined because they’re all related to blood cells and immune responses. Our bodies are amazing in how these tiny specialized cells have such powerful effects in our bodies. When any of it isn’t working, it can cause a lot of issues. We’re going to break it down for you and help you see how it all works together to keep us healthy. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to…
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“Would suggest to all nursing students . . . Guaranteed to ease the stress!”
The Hematology/Oncology/Immunology course combines discussion of some of the most common blood disorders, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. These three systems are intertwined because they’re all related to blood cells and immune responses. Our bodies are amazing in how these tiny specialized cells have such powerful effects in our bodies. When any of it isn’t working, it can cause a lot of issues. We’re going to break it down for you and help you see how it all works together to keep us healthy.