Nursing Care Plan (NCP) for Chronic Kidney Disease

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Hey guys, we're going to talk about chronic kidney disease and how you can easily put this into a nursing care plan. 


So, first we have to collect our data. So, the data really it's just an assessment. It's just our assessment findings. So, the subjective data is going to be from the patient. The subject of data for a patient with this is that they are going to have maybe a loss of appetite that they complain of to you. The patient could have some nausea. Maybe they were super tired and fatigued. They might tell you that they feel like they're a little bit more swollen. They have some edema. They might be super itchy. They might have a bunch of nocturia happening, that urinary frequency, and happening at night time, just because the urine is not very concentrated. So they're just constantly diuresing. 


Then our objective data is the things the nurse observes, the nurse sees or witnesses on lab work or whatever it may be. So, our patient with chronic kidney disease, let's say we note some swelling, so we can also assess the edema that's happening, some weight gain; We note in their chart that they have started to gain some weight or a lot of weight. They could have a hypertension that is just totally uncontrolled because remember, those kidneys are an important piece to that hypertension and blood pressure regulation. We also might see on lab work, some elevated serum creatinine. So, all these kinds of things are our objective data and now we're going to take that data and we're going to analyze. So, analyzing the data is going to help us to diagnose and prioritize. 


So first, we start with what is the problem here? What is the problem? Well, so we have kidneys that aren't working, right? They're not working the way that they should be. So, we have lots of swelling happening. For my hypothetical patient with swelling…  I'm going to have this client have some uncontrolled hypertension and along with that swelling, some ascites happening. 


So, that's all that fluid in the abdomen, fluid where it shouldn't be, so what needs to be improved here? Well, for our patient, we need to help manage the symptoms, right? So, we're going to manage whatever they have going on. Unfortunately, this is a chronic thing, right? Chronic kidney disease. Well, we can help fix things somewhat, some of the symptoms and help to not worsen anything. So, we're going to manage the symptoms and issues such as hypertension and just prevent further complications. 


So, what is the priority for us for this patient? It's the uncontrolled hypertension, cause that's a big problem. So, we want to try to fix that and just overall regulation to prevent the further complications. So, let's look at this a little bit further. So, our how questions. How did you know it was a problem? Well, this is where you're going to link whatever data you have collected on your client. Now, we have linked some of the data on my hypothetical patient I made up here with hypertension, the ascites, all that. So, you're going to link your data. So, for us we have hypertension. So, we knew it was a problem, the edema, polyuria, just because it's that unconcentrated urine in the ascites. So, lots of things for this patient, how are we going to address it? Well, BP meds, if they're ordered, hopefully right? 

To help fix that hypertension, we can just further assess and monitor, monitoring the heart and the lungs. Remember, we're getting some extra stress put on that heart, so we want to monitor that and make sure we don't get fluid back up into the lungs, just from all the extra fluid. Then we want to monitor lab work. So, especially the GFR because remember that glomerular filtration rate is going to tell us the extent of the chronic kidney disease, so we want to make sure it's not worsening. We can also help with some education. Maybe this client does not eat properly and we wanted to make sure they're well-educated on nutrition and fluid restrictions that might need to happen. 


How am I going to know if it gets better? Well, we're going to have no worsening symptoms. The edema should improve because we're going to hopefully get rid of some of that excess fluid and our labs are going to be better. We will also have our hypertension more under control. So, just be normotensive right? Our blood pressure will be more in a normal range for this patient. So, let's translate what all of this means. We're going to pick our high level nursing concepts. So, for my patient, I'm going to pick perfusion. I'm going to pick fluid balance and I'm going to pick patient education, always a good one.


Alright, so here's where we transcribe. We take our problems and our priority, our data that we've collected, which is our assessment pieces and interventions. So, what we are going to do about the assessment that we found, this is why the rationale is why this intervention should work and what do we expect to see? Alright. so we start with perfusion fluid, bounce and patience. So, our data shows that this patient has uncontrolled hypertension. Our intervention is going to be just an anti-hypertensive medication that we can give, whatever that may be. That's going to work for this patient, our rationale, well, this is going to help to reduce the blood pressure and will allow for better blood flow to the kidneys, right? So, better blood flow to help those kidneys work as best they can. So, better filtration and reduce damage. Then our expected outcome will be normotensive. Now remember for this patient, it might not be our normal, like 112 or 117 over 80 or whatever, are normal for this patient still might be slightly elevated, but we want to bring them down to more of a normal range and then we'll have improved kidney filtration.


So, fluid balance, our patient is showing us signs of all the edema, right? The ascites, we have fluid all over the place, all over in different places and sometimes the wrong places. So, that's our data. How are we going to intervene? Well for this patient, we are going to monitor the I’s and the O's. We are going to get daily weights and perhaps a fluid restriction. So, why are we going to do this? Well, it's going to give us a better picture when we're monitoring the I’s and O’s of how much the body is holding onto, so what's coming in and what's going out and then limit and reduce the excess fluids. So, by doing the fluid restriction, we can help to reduce that excess fluid that the body is holding onto. 


Our expected outcome is that our lab work will be improved and that our edema will hopefully be improved as well. Our patient education… So, let's just say this client is showing us data that they need diet education, and perhaps they have diabetes. So, we need education on that because diabetes is going to worsen or uncontrolled diabetes will worsen kidney function. 

So, our interventions, well, they need a renal diet and they need blood glucose control education. This is going to prevent further damage to the kidneys, right? If we give them a good renal diet, and if they're in good blood sugar control, then that will prevent further damage. So, our patient with patient education is going to verbalize and demonstrate an understanding. 


Alright guys, let's review these key points for our care plan. So, first always collect your information, get that data, the subjective and objective data, analyze it, which is going to help you to diagnose and prioritize what the problems are. Ask your how questions, then you can plan, implement, evaluate and translate. So, those are those concise terms, those concepts, and then transcribe. So, whatever form works for you, just get your care plan on paper and separate it out into your interventions, your rationale, and what you expect to see. 


Alright guys, that was it for our chronic kidney disease care plan, check out all the care plans we have available to you on We love you. Go out and be your best self today and as always, happy nursing!
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