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We had a couple people here. People are logging in. How's everybody doing? Happy Tuesday. This is my regular Tuesday tutoring session where I do a different in collects or test taking tip. So I appreciate you guys taking some time out of your Tuesday afternoon to spend a little bit of time with me and we talk about test taking. Talk about the end collects. Tell me where you're from and how far away the ink clicks is for you.
Marissa, what's going on? Minnesota, another Minnesota September. Third chance.
2:00 AM in Singapore. Krisna well thanks for uh, hanging out with us. My brother Tony, he works here at dinner as well. He used to live in Singapore. Uh, he worked with a large bank over there. Seattle. Hey Galia I'm going to be in Seattle next week just for family vacation. I love Seattle area.
Start my final class. Tick the influx in January. Awesome. Chicago was in Chicago last fall. Sacramento. Nice. We have a couple of employees who are from the central California area, Kentucky. I was out in Kentucky last year too. Cool guys. Well, thanks for spending some time with me. We're going to talk about in clicks, uh, to influx different test strategies. Now these strategies come from the in clicks or the test taking course that we have here inside NRSNG. Um, so you can go back and refer to that again. But what we're going to talk about today is, hold on, let me share my screen.
alright, so we're going to talk about today guys is uh, two different inklings, test taking strategies. And these are pretty simple strategies. This is a pretty simple way to approach questions and they really go hand in hand. So usually I talk about all aisle 11 total strategies, but these two go hand in hand really well because they kind of deal with the exact opposite of each other. All right, so let me present this really quick. So again, like we always talk about here and like I always try to stress with you guys is tips and tricks and strategies and, and hacks and all those things are helpful. But the most helpful thing is the knowledge. So while these tips and strategies that I give you guys, every Tuesday can be helpful when you go in and take your ink clicks, realize that that knowledge is king. Uh, it's more important that you understand that you know the content, but as you go in and take that test, some of these, um, strategies and hacks and things can really help out. So the first one is opposites. What this deal is with guys is when you encounter a question, and in that question you have answer options that say the exact opposite thing of each other. For example, example like hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, acute versus chronic renal failure, fluid volume overload versus fluid volume deficit.
If the answer option a is hyper interruption two is Hypo, one of those answer options is usually the right answer. Now this isn't a hard and fast rule, but if you do read four answer options and two of them are saying the exact opposite of each other, evaluate those two answer options first. There's a high probability that one of those answer options is going to be your correct answer. So start there and figure out which one of those is probably the right answer and then evaluate, evaluate your other two answer options, but realize that when it's saying the opposite thing is trying to know if you remember the difference between different signs and symptoms between different disease processes, the uh, you know, uh, exact polar opposite end of those different disease processes. Okay, so does that make sense guys?
Good. And you're going to see this a lot. This, this is a very common question type of very common answer type that you're going to see, uh, on the in cliques. All right? Or giving you exact opposite answer options. All right, let's do an example of this. And I don't want you guys don't answer until we had everybody answer. Okay. So the physician orders anti embolism stockings for a patient. When should the anti symbolism stockings be put on? Now let's assume that you don't have a clue. All right? Let's assume that you really have no idea when to put anti embolism stockings on. So you start reading your answer options. You say while the patient is still in bed, when the patient complains of leg pain, when the patient's feet become a dimittis or after the patient gets out of bed in the morning. Now don't answer yet which answer options are saying the opposite of each other. Yeah. One in four.
Yeah. So yeah. Okay, so one in four one is saying, mother, the patient is in bed and after the patient gets out of bed in the morning. Now again, this is a pretty simple one. You know, it's like in bed or out of bed and uh, a STD hose or anti Muslim stockings or something that we cover, you know, during first semester of nursing school. But let's assume this is talking about something much more complicated Hashimoto's syndrome or dic or something like that and you're really not sure. Try to find those two answer options that are saying the exact opposite of each other. All right, so let's answer this question. So one and four, let's evaluate one and four. When should we put on Antipolis some stockings while the patient is still in bed or when the patient gets out of bed? In the morning. Perfect. Yeah, you guys all got it.
Good, good, good, good. Yeah, so the physiology behind this right is if we put our feet, uh, down, if we put our feet dependent, all that fluid in, our body's going to come rushing down to those feet. We're going to have these massively adenomatous feet and then we're going to be trained to put those, those STD hoes that are in those anti embolism stockings on those hose. Have you guys ever tried to do that before? Who Ha, who here has put on anti bullism stockings on a patient before? Give me just a yes. Made me mean. That's good. Me. Whatever.
It's not easy anyway. It's generally pretty complicated to get those on in the first place. So imagine dropping those feet down, having them become extremely a Dymatize and then try to get that on. It's like trying to get like, you know those hose around a big old filled up balloons so it's not gonna work. All right, so that's the opposite. That's the, that's the testing strategy. The testing hat for opposite. If you see two answer options that generally say the exact opposite thing of each other, move on. Don't evaluate it and keep on going. Now let's talk about saying, if you see two answer options that are essentially saying the same thing, you've got to move on. Both answer options can't be right. So both of them must be wrong. All right. The uh, the example I like to give to this is a, for example, let's say, you know, you have a patient who you're, or the question says, which of these patients would you, um, administer medication to first or something like that. And one of the answer options is a patient who says their pain level is an eight. And a patient who says, I have really, really bad pain, well, pain level vape and really, really bad pain or kind of the same thing, so we must move on. So anytime you see answer options that are essentially saying the same thing, they are both because they both can't be right. They both must be wrong.
All right. And I don't have an answer or I don't have an example of this one in here, unfortunately, but you guys are gonna recognize this when you see it. Um, maybe it says a patient has hypernatremia and other ones says the patient's sodium level is one 52. All right. And they're, they're usually going to be pretty obvious like that, like [inaudible] and just making sure you understand signs and symptoms are, you understand different terminology or different, um, ways of saying things. Okay. Or understand normal lab values are normal signs and symptoms. So if you see ones that are essentially saying the same thing because they both can't be right, ignore both of them. And that takes you from a 25% chance of getting a question right to a 50% chance of getting it right. All right.
Scott? Yeah. So unless it's a sad question. So, so what if it's a sad question, never evaluate two set of questions together, right? If it's a sad question or, or if we're talking about percents, correct? Yeah. If it's a sad question, never look at two answer options together. All right. And what I mean by that is we talked about the status success pyramid. This was one, um, that I throw out in a different tutoring session. But I call this the status success pyramid. And essentially if you see a static question, you gotta cover all the answer options and evaluate every single answer option individually of each other. Because what happens a lot of times with these saddle questions is we say, well, B's close to right, and bees kind of like a, so maybe be is rag and a is right when it comes to sonic questions, evaluate every single answer option as if it's a totally separate question. When I'm talking about opposites and the same I'm talking about when you're just giving them four answer options. So you're giving four answer options. You have to find one correct answer out of those four. So can say the opposite thing. One of them is usually right. If he's saying the same thing, they're both gotta be wrong. All right?
So Donna asks on the in clicks per set of questions on the in clicks, there is no partial credit. No, you don't get any partial credit at all. I turned that. No, that's cool Scottie. I'm glad you brought that up because I need to be more clear about that as I teach that cause set of questions are kind of an entirely different beast on their own. So it's important to look at those completely differently, um, than anything else. So yeah, no partial points at all for, um, of questions. You get them all right or you get them all wrong.
Uh, let me give you another thing about sad is that okay if I give you guys a couple other tips about Satta. So the set of success period would cover all the options. You evaluate each one individually and evaluate them as true false statements. The other thing I'll tell you is, according to the NC SBN now the NC ESPN is the, the, a company that writes the intellects, um, according to their rules and what they say anywhere from one to every answer option can be correct on a saddle question. So that might be a little different than your school. They might say, well it always has to be two or it can't be all of them. And that's fine if that's how your school does it play by those rules. But when you go in to take the end collects, realize that for us, add a question. It can be one of them, right? Or it can be all of them. Right. All right. So that should help a bit with those.
yeah, so our darkies our darkies. So for questions about priority, I know abcs come first, but what is an NCLEX priority? That's really good question. Um, so in clicks priority is going to look like this. This is something that we call the ABC's d f so if you're like ABC as d f so ABC Airway, we'll go and go ahead and tell me what all those are. Yeah. So essentially Mazlow's and I've, we've reordered Mazlow's a little bit to help you break those things out.
yeah, so ABC's our airway breathing circulation a sec, that little ass after the c that stands for safety. All right, so you're going to always address, yeah, perfect airway breathing, then circulation. Then you can deal with safety. All right? And once we dealt with those four things in that order, then we can deal with pain or discomfort. All right? Once we've dealt with pain and discomfort, then we can teach our patients and once we know that they understand that they're, they're understanding things, then we can deal with their feelings. So really we've taken Maslow's hierarchy of needs and we've kind of turned it around. And so physiological needs on a bottom. Breathing food, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion that deals with our abcs really. And then safety and security, that's our s love and belonging, self esteem, self actualization. That deals with our education and our feelings.
Where I think it gets really tricky to people on the [inaudible] as they take tests is ones that that deal with airway breathing, circulation, you know, which would you see first and you're like, well man, this patient's blood pressure's low and this patient's vinted. Which one would I see first? So realize that you must address the abcs in that order. Do I have an open airway? Meaning, can I get air in k a for airway stands for getting air in? Do I have an open Payton Airway? Breathing is, can I exchange that gas? Can I exchange oxygen and CO2 circulation is, do I have fluid in my pump? You know, who do I have enough fluid to pump around my body? And then safety can be physical, it can be infection. Uh, it can be all those things. So if I have a patient who just fell out of the bed, you know, the first thing I do, I don't run in that room and I don't say, Hey, you know, we have a collide.
We gotta deal with that call. No, I assess my patient, make sure they have an airway, make sure they're breathing, make sure have circulation. Then I deal with safety, you know, as their skin. Okay, is their bones okay? I get this cat scan, let's get him back into bed. Address their discomfort or even pain. Is Everything. Okay? Now I can start talking about education. So, Hey, this is the call light. This is how you push it. So you gotta kind of walk backwards with all those situations that you're given in questions and say, where am I at with my ABC, s, d, e, f where am I at in that? And those ABC def with each single, each patient, do I have an airway? Can they exchange? Do they have circulation and are they safe? Okay, cool guys. So that's a pretty quick session when we talk about opposites and the same, uh, that's honestly all it really is. And if you guys want to dive in more, I suggest, let's see if I can get this to pop up. I suggest you go over to the test taking course because inside that test taking course, I go in a little bit deeper and there is the cheat sheet in there. [inaudible] excuse me. So if you go down to the test taking course
and then there's a little bit more detail about opposites insane. And then we do have the, um, test taking cheat sheet that you guys can get access to that you can read. Um, and that's going to give you all these 11 kind of hacks or these kinds of tips. Now these tips are, again, like I always say, guys, test taking strategies are good, they're helpful, but if you have the knowledge, the stuff doesn't really matter because you can answer those questions and you understand. But regardless of how much you study, you're absolutely going to encounter some of those questions on the NCLEX that you've never been exposed to that medication before. You know, you don't know what that medication is or that disease process or you just can't quite remember. That's where you can drop these 11 tips and these 11 strategies, uh, to help you. So that's where those things are gonna help you. That's what I'm going to be most beneficial is when you encounter questions that you're not really sure about or you haven't seen that disease process before. So that's when you start with these 11 different strategies and say, okay, which one can I apply here? Is this an enclave's question trap? Is this an opposite versus the same? Uh, is this a priority question? You can start applying some of those tips and strategies that we teach you inside that a test taking course.
All right, what questions do you have guys, whether about this or about something else? We can hang out for a few minutes, answer some questions and then we need to get our Singapore friends to bed. 2:00 AM
Alright, so Scotty says, I went to an in prep, dropped them in, in the new system and tried to select assessed session I hadn't registered for and it tells me I need to add the in clicks package. Do I need to add it as a lifetime member? So the in clicks packages is now kind of a totally different thing and it's going to look different to you guys being members. But what we did is we pulled out some of the, so we created a new, uh, we created like a whole new inplex package for users. Uh, so those users who didn't have lifetime or anything before, there's this whole new product now for them where they can do in cliques specific things including simclex and click strategies and in PQ. So, yeah, that's a whole separate package. If you have questions, Scotty, uh, support could definitely put you in the right direction that's over. And they had, if you just emailed them, contacted they can help you out. What's up with Picmonic? Are we able to get a discount? So Picmonic I believe has a discount to Picmonic. Um, if you're an interest in g member, but the way that the Picmonic works, so that's my son calling. So lifetime membership does include MPQ.
So yeah, there's a whole new tutoring, a category called [inaudible] prep, which is just for the people who purchase an intellect prep package. So separate for them. Hello? Hello. Okay, so I was talking about pick one. So Picmonic. So Picmonic the way it works is if you have a Picmonic membership and you use NRS and g, you'll be able to view the picmonics inside in our SNG.
And I believe that Picmonic has a discount for Picmonic if you're an interest in g member. So if you click on one of those Picmonic popups, that should, um, send you to some discounts, they have it out. I honestly don't know how much it is, but if you already have a Picmonic membership that will appear in, in our SMG and you'll be able to access it. Yeah. So all the regular tunings still, it's still available. It's just a whole separate, uh, category of tutoring for in clicks focus for those intellects users. And I believe Maria does multiple most of those cheat sheets. Our principle for unlimited and premium users. Yes. So the physiological adaptation, I have to look at it. Yeah. So the physiological adaptation would be one of the new in collects a focused tutoring sessions, which is a whole separate product. So you have interest in g premium and Harrison g unlimited. That's included as your MPQ. It includes all the courses, most of the tutoring. And then in NRSNG in clicks includes, um, in collects focused tutoring sessions, simplex and in PQ. So [inaudible], Eh, the, the interest in joining collects packages, a whole new separate product. But as a lifetime member, you do have access to, we've given access to the new Sim clerks, uh, that's come out, you get three attempts of that.
So there's the inner s and g, um, premium which has access to courses and things like that and some of the tutoring sessions, the stuff that's best for school. And then there's interest in g in lights, which now has the new patent pending some clicks, completely redone product there. Um, in cliques, tutoring sessions and some questions that tutoring is not available to a lifetime. Yeah, it's a whole separate product just available through the same dashboard. That's right Scotty. No, I know. It's, you know, I know there's, know there's some confusion with it out there and with us launching this new influx product, um, and so that's fine. Most of the questions are going to be best answered by support. They kind of um, have access to your accounts. They can actually look at your account and tell you a, just through the chat here, I'm not able to look at accounts and everything like, like it'll be more helpful through them with, uh, just through email or chat with support.
Cool. Hopefully that session helps a little bit. I know and I think a lot of this test taking stuff is really helpful. While you're in school and if it's stuff that you keep in the back of your mind as you were approaching clicks, it's going to be just as helpful then, um, especially as you walk into that test. And that's the scariest thing I think about it clicks for a lot of people is when you walk in there, it's something unlike anything you've seen before.
Oh yeah, no, I thought we already talked about that is, yeah, so always nursing process. Absolutely. Nursing process is always the thing. I thought I had a talk to you that, yeah, so nursing and that's a lot of what the NTSB and cares about and that's really what they care about more than anything, honestly guys, is that you're going to be a safe nurse. So when you walk into your first shift as a registered nurse or an LVN or whatever, that you're safe that you're not going to kill somebody because it puts your license on the line and puts their jurisdiction on the line. It puts all of us on the line as nurses, so they want to make sure you're safe. And that's kind of the backbone of the nursing process, right? It's, it's, am I doing things in the right order to be safe? Am I getting enough information before I implement anything? And so that's really the whole point. Um,
yeah. So you always stick with the nursing process. Frank says, does the intellects know those students that are retaking the in clicks? Frank, I honestly can't answer that question. I don't know. Um, so when you walk into the test, it generally gives her be kind of the same level of starting point. And then based on how you do, I don't know that they're gonna say, hey, Frank's already taken a test and this is how he did. So we're going to give him a different, a question level. Even if they know that you're a repeat test taker, I do not believe that they're going to pull up your old, uh, data and say, um, this is how he did last time. So we're gonna give them an advantage or disadvantage. I don't think that that works like that, but I haven't seen any writings from the NTSB and on that. I believe every attempt to take, you're given a fair shot from the beginning. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be a good way to look at it. Yeah. Amazon as they start with the nursing process, look at the abcs and then the rest of the things are honestly hacks and tricks and things like that.
So he collects changes every three years. The most recent change was in April, may of this year. Um, so it's good until 20, 20, 21, 2022, so two or three years. Um, so there won't be any changes for another couple of years. So if you're in school now, you're going to take the NCLEX as it stands today, their plan, the NC spns plan is to roll out this thing called the NGN or the next generation in clinics with this next one. But it happens in a few years from now. And that's all the horror stories or rumors you've heard about these essay style questions and things like that. Um, so yeah, so the plan make it more like case study based and things like that, like him says. So, but that's not happening for a couple of years. So if you're in school now or if you already have the intellects planned, uh, it's going to be as it is. They've planned on doing this next generation in clicks for the past several changes. Um, but it's a huge rollout. It's a huge change. So they're now planning on it for the next change in a few years. Um, but they weren't able to make it this last year or so.
Yeah. Pass it and don't worry about it. Uh, like frank says, but uh, yeah, so when you walk into your in clicks, however you might get some of these case study questions, uh, and that's because they have to have enough data on all of these types of questions to see if there are good questions or not. But there's 15 of your questions that aren't going to count against your score, if that makes sense. There's 15 questions that they're testing, new question types, you're testing new questions. So even if you see those kinds of questions, they're not counting towards your score. Your passer fell on the [inaudible]. Hopefully that makes sense. So you might see some, but they're not counting. Uh, and then it's the new change. The big change is rolling out in a couple of years. Anticipated it didn't happen this time, but that's all called the next generation and clicks. Again, if you're in school, don't worry about it. Get through school, worry about, you know, saddle questions, regular questions, all that stuff. And again, even when you, even when that new next generation in clicks comes the same basic trues, hold, still hold, you know, learn everything that you can work through the nursing process, work through the abcs and it's all the same. Uh, there is this different question types.
Appreciate it frank. And if you guys, so as you begin to approach, uh, the in clicks, this new sin cliques that rolls out there rolled out today is an enormous, um, advantage to you. This is the most realistic and collect practice you're ever going to see. Our engineers have been diving into the research, the studies, making it more and more and more and more realistic, more concise, more precise. Uh, and then we rolled out even a kind of a graph to show you how you're doing. Now, prepare as you're getting towards the end, collects, detect those simplex, um, take one, you know, six weeks ahead of time, one for weeks at a time, one, two weeks at a time and stuff being collected is no joke. I, I studied a ton, I prepared a ton. Um, but when I walked out of here in clicks, I was like, I have no idea how I did. Um, so yeah, so we updated the inklings study plans to reflect the adjustments with the Sim cliques that it's going to be a more realistic, uh, even more realistic, um, indicator for you now.
So there's three, you can take three sim clicks. And again, so I think we're where some users were struggling and we realized this last week where some user were struggling as they were using sim clicks from the beginning that they're saying, I'm gonna go and I'm going to practice questions I want to practice in collect or simclex right from the beginning where the better use case for it is as you already have this Bank of knowledge towards your last semester or after you've already graduated and scheduled the in clicks, that's when simclex becomes most valuable. Before that time you should really be working in PQ. MPQ is where you can, um, I'm trying to turn off my it, I don't remember how to turn off my camera, but in DQ is where you had access to as many questions as you want on any topic, you can view the results. So it's really best to spend your time in PQ and watching the courses and getting your knowledge base up and getting your questions up so that when you approached them class, it's already like a real thing and you can get a better gauge on where you're at.
And we'll all look at that. I'll, uh, bring up with engineering guys and see if there's a way we can adjust that.
So Corina, that's a good question. If you look at our youtube channel, one of our most recent videos actually talks about the algorithm used in the influx. So the NCLEX doesn't care how many you got right and wrong. What it cares about is the difficulty of the questions that you get, right? [inaudible] if that makes sense. So one user might pass in 75 questions and only get, um, you know, 20 or 30 questions, right? Another user might fail and get more questions. Right? And that's all based on something called 95% confidence interval. And it's based on how sure they are. You're going to get a question right or wrong and they want you to be above a specific difficulty level. That's essentially how it works. If you look at their youtube videos, like talk about it for about 10 minutes and kind of go into it, but it's less a matter of how many am more a matter of how difficult the questions that you saw were. Yeah. Rodney, would you email support and they will be able to get you that link. I don't have it.
I'm not exactly sure what that is, but they can get you those. So if you email contact at NRSNG, they'll get you that, that for you. Cool guys, I appreciate you guys taking some time with me today. It's a busy Tuesday into the summer. I know you guys are getting close to school, starting back up or taking your end clicks. So I really appreciate you guys. Krisna Marisa [inaudible] and Frank Su Gailey now some people are talking zoo. We didn't see you, the whole of the Carina.
yeah. Cool guys. Appreciate it guys. All right, have a good afternoon. Get some rest tonight. Uh, I really appreciate you guys and like, we always say happy nursing. All right guys. Huh? Nice. Thanks guys.
Marissa, what's going on? Minnesota, another Minnesota September. Third chance.
2:00 AM in Singapore. Krisna well thanks for uh, hanging out with us. My brother Tony, he works here at dinner as well. He used to live in Singapore. Uh, he worked with a large bank over there. Seattle. Hey Galia I'm going to be in Seattle next week just for family vacation. I love Seattle area.
Start my final class. Tick the influx in January. Awesome. Chicago was in Chicago last fall. Sacramento. Nice. We have a couple of employees who are from the central California area, Kentucky. I was out in Kentucky last year too. Cool guys. Well, thanks for spending some time with me. We're going to talk about in clicks, uh, to influx different test strategies. Now these strategies come from the in clicks or the test taking course that we have here inside NRSNG. Um, so you can go back and refer to that again. But what we're going to talk about today is, hold on, let me share my screen.
alright, so we're going to talk about today guys is uh, two different inklings, test taking strategies. And these are pretty simple strategies. This is a pretty simple way to approach questions and they really go hand in hand. So usually I talk about all aisle 11 total strategies, but these two go hand in hand really well because they kind of deal with the exact opposite of each other. All right, so let me present this really quick. So again, like we always talk about here and like I always try to stress with you guys is tips and tricks and strategies and, and hacks and all those things are helpful. But the most helpful thing is the knowledge. So while these tips and strategies that I give you guys, every Tuesday can be helpful when you go in and take your ink clicks, realize that that knowledge is king. Uh, it's more important that you understand that you know the content, but as you go in and take that test, some of these, um, strategies and hacks and things can really help out. So the first one is opposites. What this deal is with guys is when you encounter a question, and in that question you have answer options that say the exact opposite thing of each other. For example, example like hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, acute versus chronic renal failure, fluid volume overload versus fluid volume deficit.
If the answer option a is hyper interruption two is Hypo, one of those answer options is usually the right answer. Now this isn't a hard and fast rule, but if you do read four answer options and two of them are saying the exact opposite of each other, evaluate those two answer options first. There's a high probability that one of those answer options is going to be your correct answer. So start there and figure out which one of those is probably the right answer and then evaluate, evaluate your other two answer options, but realize that when it's saying the opposite thing is trying to know if you remember the difference between different signs and symptoms between different disease processes, the uh, you know, uh, exact polar opposite end of those different disease processes. Okay, so does that make sense guys?
Good. And you're going to see this a lot. This, this is a very common question type of very common answer type that you're going to see, uh, on the in cliques. All right? Or giving you exact opposite answer options. All right, let's do an example of this. And I don't want you guys don't answer until we had everybody answer. Okay. So the physician orders anti embolism stockings for a patient. When should the anti symbolism stockings be put on? Now let's assume that you don't have a clue. All right? Let's assume that you really have no idea when to put anti embolism stockings on. So you start reading your answer options. You say while the patient is still in bed, when the patient complains of leg pain, when the patient's feet become a dimittis or after the patient gets out of bed in the morning. Now don't answer yet which answer options are saying the opposite of each other. Yeah. One in four.
Yeah. So yeah. Okay, so one in four one is saying, mother, the patient is in bed and after the patient gets out of bed in the morning. Now again, this is a pretty simple one. You know, it's like in bed or out of bed and uh, a STD hose or anti Muslim stockings or something that we cover, you know, during first semester of nursing school. But let's assume this is talking about something much more complicated Hashimoto's syndrome or dic or something like that and you're really not sure. Try to find those two answer options that are saying the exact opposite of each other. All right, so let's answer this question. So one and four, let's evaluate one and four. When should we put on Antipolis some stockings while the patient is still in bed or when the patient gets out of bed? In the morning. Perfect. Yeah, you guys all got it.
Good, good, good, good. Yeah, so the physiology behind this right is if we put our feet, uh, down, if we put our feet dependent, all that fluid in, our body's going to come rushing down to those feet. We're going to have these massively adenomatous feet and then we're going to be trained to put those, those STD hoes that are in those anti embolism stockings on those hose. Have you guys ever tried to do that before? Who Ha, who here has put on anti bullism stockings on a patient before? Give me just a yes. Made me mean. That's good. Me. Whatever.
It's not easy anyway. It's generally pretty complicated to get those on in the first place. So imagine dropping those feet down, having them become extremely a Dymatize and then try to get that on. It's like trying to get like, you know those hose around a big old filled up balloons so it's not gonna work. All right, so that's the opposite. That's the, that's the testing strategy. The testing hat for opposite. If you see two answer options that generally say the exact opposite thing of each other, move on. Don't evaluate it and keep on going. Now let's talk about saying, if you see two answer options that are essentially saying the same thing, you've got to move on. Both answer options can't be right. So both of them must be wrong. All right. The uh, the example I like to give to this is a, for example, let's say, you know, you have a patient who you're, or the question says, which of these patients would you, um, administer medication to first or something like that. And one of the answer options is a patient who says their pain level is an eight. And a patient who says, I have really, really bad pain, well, pain level vape and really, really bad pain or kind of the same thing, so we must move on. So anytime you see answer options that are essentially saying the same thing, they are both because they both can't be right. They both must be wrong.
All right. And I don't have an answer or I don't have an example of this one in here, unfortunately, but you guys are gonna recognize this when you see it. Um, maybe it says a patient has hypernatremia and other ones says the patient's sodium level is one 52. All right. And they're, they're usually going to be pretty obvious like that, like [inaudible] and just making sure you understand signs and symptoms are, you understand different terminology or different, um, ways of saying things. Okay. Or understand normal lab values are normal signs and symptoms. So if you see ones that are essentially saying the same thing because they both can't be right, ignore both of them. And that takes you from a 25% chance of getting a question right to a 50% chance of getting it right. All right.
Scott? Yeah. So unless it's a sad question. So, so what if it's a sad question, never evaluate two set of questions together, right? If it's a sad question or, or if we're talking about percents, correct? Yeah. If it's a sad question, never look at two answer options together. All right. And what I mean by that is we talked about the status success pyramid. This was one, um, that I throw out in a different tutoring session. But I call this the status success pyramid. And essentially if you see a static question, you gotta cover all the answer options and evaluate every single answer option individually of each other. Because what happens a lot of times with these saddle questions is we say, well, B's close to right, and bees kind of like a, so maybe be is rag and a is right when it comes to sonic questions, evaluate every single answer option as if it's a totally separate question. When I'm talking about opposites and the same I'm talking about when you're just giving them four answer options. So you're giving four answer options. You have to find one correct answer out of those four. So can say the opposite thing. One of them is usually right. If he's saying the same thing, they're both gotta be wrong. All right?
So Donna asks on the in clicks per set of questions on the in clicks, there is no partial credit. No, you don't get any partial credit at all. I turned that. No, that's cool Scottie. I'm glad you brought that up because I need to be more clear about that as I teach that cause set of questions are kind of an entirely different beast on their own. So it's important to look at those completely differently, um, than anything else. So yeah, no partial points at all for, um, of questions. You get them all right or you get them all wrong.
Uh, let me give you another thing about sad is that okay if I give you guys a couple other tips about Satta. So the set of success period would cover all the options. You evaluate each one individually and evaluate them as true false statements. The other thing I'll tell you is, according to the NC SBN now the NC ESPN is the, the, a company that writes the intellects, um, according to their rules and what they say anywhere from one to every answer option can be correct on a saddle question. So that might be a little different than your school. They might say, well it always has to be two or it can't be all of them. And that's fine if that's how your school does it play by those rules. But when you go in to take the end collects, realize that for us, add a question. It can be one of them, right? Or it can be all of them. Right. All right. So that should help a bit with those.
yeah, so our darkies our darkies. So for questions about priority, I know abcs come first, but what is an NCLEX priority? That's really good question. Um, so in clicks priority is going to look like this. This is something that we call the ABC's d f so if you're like ABC as d f so ABC Airway, we'll go and go ahead and tell me what all those are. Yeah. So essentially Mazlow's and I've, we've reordered Mazlow's a little bit to help you break those things out.
yeah, so ABC's our airway breathing circulation a sec, that little ass after the c that stands for safety. All right, so you're going to always address, yeah, perfect airway breathing, then circulation. Then you can deal with safety. All right? And once we dealt with those four things in that order, then we can deal with pain or discomfort. All right? Once we've dealt with pain and discomfort, then we can teach our patients and once we know that they understand that they're, they're understanding things, then we can deal with their feelings. So really we've taken Maslow's hierarchy of needs and we've kind of turned it around. And so physiological needs on a bottom. Breathing food, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion that deals with our abcs really. And then safety and security, that's our s love and belonging, self esteem, self actualization. That deals with our education and our feelings.
Where I think it gets really tricky to people on the [inaudible] as they take tests is ones that that deal with airway breathing, circulation, you know, which would you see first and you're like, well man, this patient's blood pressure's low and this patient's vinted. Which one would I see first? So realize that you must address the abcs in that order. Do I have an open airway? Meaning, can I get air in k a for airway stands for getting air in? Do I have an open Payton Airway? Breathing is, can I exchange that gas? Can I exchange oxygen and CO2 circulation is, do I have fluid in my pump? You know, who do I have enough fluid to pump around my body? And then safety can be physical, it can be infection. Uh, it can be all those things. So if I have a patient who just fell out of the bed, you know, the first thing I do, I don't run in that room and I don't say, Hey, you know, we have a collide.
We gotta deal with that call. No, I assess my patient, make sure they have an airway, make sure they're breathing, make sure have circulation. Then I deal with safety, you know, as their skin. Okay, is their bones okay? I get this cat scan, let's get him back into bed. Address their discomfort or even pain. Is Everything. Okay? Now I can start talking about education. So, Hey, this is the call light. This is how you push it. So you gotta kind of walk backwards with all those situations that you're given in questions and say, where am I at with my ABC, s, d, e, f where am I at in that? And those ABC def with each single, each patient, do I have an airway? Can they exchange? Do they have circulation and are they safe? Okay, cool guys. So that's a pretty quick session when we talk about opposites and the same, uh, that's honestly all it really is. And if you guys want to dive in more, I suggest, let's see if I can get this to pop up. I suggest you go over to the test taking course because inside that test taking course, I go in a little bit deeper and there is the cheat sheet in there. [inaudible] excuse me. So if you go down to the test taking course
and then there's a little bit more detail about opposites insane. And then we do have the, um, test taking cheat sheet that you guys can get access to that you can read. Um, and that's going to give you all these 11 kind of hacks or these kinds of tips. Now these tips are, again, like I always say, guys, test taking strategies are good, they're helpful, but if you have the knowledge, the stuff doesn't really matter because you can answer those questions and you understand. But regardless of how much you study, you're absolutely going to encounter some of those questions on the NCLEX that you've never been exposed to that medication before. You know, you don't know what that medication is or that disease process or you just can't quite remember. That's where you can drop these 11 tips and these 11 strategies, uh, to help you. So that's where those things are gonna help you. That's what I'm going to be most beneficial is when you encounter questions that you're not really sure about or you haven't seen that disease process before. So that's when you start with these 11 different strategies and say, okay, which one can I apply here? Is this an enclave's question trap? Is this an opposite versus the same? Uh, is this a priority question? You can start applying some of those tips and strategies that we teach you inside that a test taking course.
All right, what questions do you have guys, whether about this or about something else? We can hang out for a few minutes, answer some questions and then we need to get our Singapore friends to bed. 2:00 AM
Alright, so Scotty says, I went to an in prep, dropped them in, in the new system and tried to select assessed session I hadn't registered for and it tells me I need to add the in clicks package. Do I need to add it as a lifetime member? So the in clicks packages is now kind of a totally different thing and it's going to look different to you guys being members. But what we did is we pulled out some of the, so we created a new, uh, we created like a whole new inplex package for users. Uh, so those users who didn't have lifetime or anything before, there's this whole new product now for them where they can do in cliques specific things including simclex and click strategies and in PQ. So, yeah, that's a whole separate package. If you have questions, Scotty, uh, support could definitely put you in the right direction that's over. And they had, if you just emailed them, contacted they can help you out. What's up with Picmonic? Are we able to get a discount? So Picmonic I believe has a discount to Picmonic. Um, if you're an interest in g member, but the way that the Picmonic works, so that's my son calling. So lifetime membership does include MPQ.
So yeah, there's a whole new tutoring, a category called [inaudible] prep, which is just for the people who purchase an intellect prep package. So separate for them. Hello? Hello. Okay, so I was talking about pick one. So Picmonic. So Picmonic the way it works is if you have a Picmonic membership and you use NRS and g, you'll be able to view the picmonics inside in our SNG.
And I believe that Picmonic has a discount for Picmonic if you're an interest in g member. So if you click on one of those Picmonic popups, that should, um, send you to some discounts, they have it out. I honestly don't know how much it is, but if you already have a Picmonic membership that will appear in, in our SMG and you'll be able to access it. Yeah. So all the regular tunings still, it's still available. It's just a whole separate, uh, category of tutoring for in clicks focus for those intellects users. And I believe Maria does multiple most of those cheat sheets. Our principle for unlimited and premium users. Yes. So the physiological adaptation, I have to look at it. Yeah. So the physiological adaptation would be one of the new in collects a focused tutoring sessions, which is a whole separate product. So you have interest in g premium and Harrison g unlimited. That's included as your MPQ. It includes all the courses, most of the tutoring. And then in NRSNG in clicks includes, um, in collects focused tutoring sessions, simplex and in PQ. So [inaudible], Eh, the, the interest in joining collects packages, a whole new separate product. But as a lifetime member, you do have access to, we've given access to the new Sim clerks, uh, that's come out, you get three attempts of that.
So there's the inner s and g, um, premium which has access to courses and things like that and some of the tutoring sessions, the stuff that's best for school. And then there's interest in g in lights, which now has the new patent pending some clicks, completely redone product there. Um, in cliques, tutoring sessions and some questions that tutoring is not available to a lifetime. Yeah, it's a whole separate product just available through the same dashboard. That's right Scotty. No, I know. It's, you know, I know there's, know there's some confusion with it out there and with us launching this new influx product, um, and so that's fine. Most of the questions are going to be best answered by support. They kind of um, have access to your accounts. They can actually look at your account and tell you a, just through the chat here, I'm not able to look at accounts and everything like, like it'll be more helpful through them with, uh, just through email or chat with support.
Cool. Hopefully that session helps a little bit. I know and I think a lot of this test taking stuff is really helpful. While you're in school and if it's stuff that you keep in the back of your mind as you were approaching clicks, it's going to be just as helpful then, um, especially as you walk into that test. And that's the scariest thing I think about it clicks for a lot of people is when you walk in there, it's something unlike anything you've seen before.
Oh yeah, no, I thought we already talked about that is, yeah, so always nursing process. Absolutely. Nursing process is always the thing. I thought I had a talk to you that, yeah, so nursing and that's a lot of what the NTSB and cares about and that's really what they care about more than anything, honestly guys, is that you're going to be a safe nurse. So when you walk into your first shift as a registered nurse or an LVN or whatever, that you're safe that you're not going to kill somebody because it puts your license on the line and puts their jurisdiction on the line. It puts all of us on the line as nurses, so they want to make sure you're safe. And that's kind of the backbone of the nursing process, right? It's, it's, am I doing things in the right order to be safe? Am I getting enough information before I implement anything? And so that's really the whole point. Um,
yeah. So you always stick with the nursing process. Frank says, does the intellects know those students that are retaking the in clicks? Frank, I honestly can't answer that question. I don't know. Um, so when you walk into the test, it generally gives her be kind of the same level of starting point. And then based on how you do, I don't know that they're gonna say, hey, Frank's already taken a test and this is how he did. So we're going to give him a different, a question level. Even if they know that you're a repeat test taker, I do not believe that they're going to pull up your old, uh, data and say, um, this is how he did last time. So we're gonna give them an advantage or disadvantage. I don't think that that works like that, but I haven't seen any writings from the NTSB and on that. I believe every attempt to take, you're given a fair shot from the beginning. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be a good way to look at it. Yeah. Amazon as they start with the nursing process, look at the abcs and then the rest of the things are honestly hacks and tricks and things like that.
So he collects changes every three years. The most recent change was in April, may of this year. Um, so it's good until 20, 20, 21, 2022, so two or three years. Um, so there won't be any changes for another couple of years. So if you're in school now, you're going to take the NCLEX as it stands today, their plan, the NC spns plan is to roll out this thing called the NGN or the next generation in clinics with this next one. But it happens in a few years from now. And that's all the horror stories or rumors you've heard about these essay style questions and things like that. Um, so yeah, so the plan make it more like case study based and things like that, like him says. So, but that's not happening for a couple of years. So if you're in school now or if you already have the intellects planned, uh, it's going to be as it is. They've planned on doing this next generation in clicks for the past several changes. Um, but it's a huge rollout. It's a huge change. So they're now planning on it for the next change in a few years. Um, but they weren't able to make it this last year or so.
Yeah. Pass it and don't worry about it. Uh, like frank says, but uh, yeah, so when you walk into your in clicks, however you might get some of these case study questions, uh, and that's because they have to have enough data on all of these types of questions to see if there are good questions or not. But there's 15 of your questions that aren't going to count against your score, if that makes sense. There's 15 questions that they're testing, new question types, you're testing new questions. So even if you see those kinds of questions, they're not counting towards your score. Your passer fell on the [inaudible]. Hopefully that makes sense. So you might see some, but they're not counting. Uh, and then it's the new change. The big change is rolling out in a couple of years. Anticipated it didn't happen this time, but that's all called the next generation and clicks. Again, if you're in school, don't worry about it. Get through school, worry about, you know, saddle questions, regular questions, all that stuff. And again, even when you, even when that new next generation in clicks comes the same basic trues, hold, still hold, you know, learn everything that you can work through the nursing process, work through the abcs and it's all the same. Uh, there is this different question types.
Appreciate it frank. And if you guys, so as you begin to approach, uh, the in clicks, this new sin cliques that rolls out there rolled out today is an enormous, um, advantage to you. This is the most realistic and collect practice you're ever going to see. Our engineers have been diving into the research, the studies, making it more and more and more and more realistic, more concise, more precise. Uh, and then we rolled out even a kind of a graph to show you how you're doing. Now, prepare as you're getting towards the end, collects, detect those simplex, um, take one, you know, six weeks ahead of time, one for weeks at a time, one, two weeks at a time and stuff being collected is no joke. I, I studied a ton, I prepared a ton. Um, but when I walked out of here in clicks, I was like, I have no idea how I did. Um, so yeah, so we updated the inklings study plans to reflect the adjustments with the Sim cliques that it's going to be a more realistic, uh, even more realistic, um, indicator for you now.
So there's three, you can take three sim clicks. And again, so I think we're where some users were struggling and we realized this last week where some user were struggling as they were using sim clicks from the beginning that they're saying, I'm gonna go and I'm going to practice questions I want to practice in collect or simclex right from the beginning where the better use case for it is as you already have this Bank of knowledge towards your last semester or after you've already graduated and scheduled the in clicks, that's when simclex becomes most valuable. Before that time you should really be working in PQ. MPQ is where you can, um, I'm trying to turn off my it, I don't remember how to turn off my camera, but in DQ is where you had access to as many questions as you want on any topic, you can view the results. So it's really best to spend your time in PQ and watching the courses and getting your knowledge base up and getting your questions up so that when you approached them class, it's already like a real thing and you can get a better gauge on where you're at.
And we'll all look at that. I'll, uh, bring up with engineering guys and see if there's a way we can adjust that.
So Corina, that's a good question. If you look at our youtube channel, one of our most recent videos actually talks about the algorithm used in the influx. So the NCLEX doesn't care how many you got right and wrong. What it cares about is the difficulty of the questions that you get, right? [inaudible] if that makes sense. So one user might pass in 75 questions and only get, um, you know, 20 or 30 questions, right? Another user might fail and get more questions. Right? And that's all based on something called 95% confidence interval. And it's based on how sure they are. You're going to get a question right or wrong and they want you to be above a specific difficulty level. That's essentially how it works. If you look at their youtube videos, like talk about it for about 10 minutes and kind of go into it, but it's less a matter of how many am more a matter of how difficult the questions that you saw were. Yeah. Rodney, would you email support and they will be able to get you that link. I don't have it.
I'm not exactly sure what that is, but they can get you those. So if you email contact at NRSNG, they'll get you that, that for you. Cool guys, I appreciate you guys taking some time with me today. It's a busy Tuesday into the summer. I know you guys are getting close to school, starting back up or taking your end clicks. So I really appreciate you guys. Krisna Marisa [inaudible] and Frank Su Gailey now some people are talking zoo. We didn't see you, the whole of the Carina.
yeah. Cool guys. Appreciate it guys. All right, have a good afternoon. Get some rest tonight. Uh, I really appreciate you guys and like, we always say happy nursing. All right guys. Huh? Nice. Thanks guys.
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