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Uh, oops, go back here. Um, that's gonna be how you remember those shrugs. So just remember that when we're looking at generic names, you can look at the suffix and sometimes that suffix, that those last things like Beta blockers and then
no metoprolol, uh, propel. Yeah.
Um, uh,
soda law. Those are all, uh, Beta blockers and they all fall under that same pharmacologic class. But that's what you need to know when you see your class.
So let's go to that next one. Considerations. So we're talking about considerations. It's what do you need to consider for your patient or for yourself when you're giving these drugs. So the first thing we want to look at is, are what administration concerns are there. If I give, for instance, we are talking about Beta lockers. If I give a Beta blocker, I need to know that I need to give it slowly. These are administration things. If I, if I'm going to give metoprolol, five milligrams IB, I know I need to know that. I need to give it a about over five minutes because that's kind of the general rule of thumb. If I give, we need to think about side effects. So if we apply this message or we think about the side effects and what the drug does, um, so Beta blockers, they help reduce blood pressure and they slow down the heart.
Well if I give that drug too fast, my patients going to respond because I'm affecting the circulatory system and they're essentially, their blood pressure could drop dangerously low and our heart rate, heart rate could get dangerously low. So if I'm doing these things, these are the things that need to be considered up. Whereas at Denison, when you give it, you need to give it fast, you need to slam it. It's half life is like a half a second. So when you give it its Mobu, you have to give it, these are the things you need to consider. The other things you need to consider are patient education. So you're going to go give that metoprolol to your patient and each you need to explain to them, hey, if you start to feel lightheaded, if uh, you start to feel funny, if you, you're, you start to have maybe some, uh, some weird chest feelings.
I'm going to be here for a minute. I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do because that's part of what your patient educations. And I'm going to give this drug really slowly. We're going to hang out, we're going to talk and have a conversation and I'm going to be paying attention to what I'm doing because I'm going to be in here for five minutes giving you this drug. Your blood pressure's really high, or your, um, they're in Afib with rvr, right? So these are the things I need to tell my patient. And then vital information. What other vital information do I need to know? Do I, for instance, if my patient needs to be educated, uh, maybe on, uh, not taking medication with grapefruit. That's an instance. That's important information. Does diet, that ties back into patient education. What part of their diet do they need to, um, do they need to stay away from?
Right? So these are things that you need to think about when you're thinking about considerations. Lastly, we're going to look at cards and cars are really important in here on at the end of the session I'm going to drop a link. And in this link what's going to happen is that, uh, this is going to give you, I'm gonna give you two, one is for the one drug card and then the other one is for the four drug card. And I want you to use these. So what they are are, we've gotten these together for you, we've compiled for them. And what I want you to do is I want you to print a bunch of these out. And when you do it, I want you to take drugs that you are unfamiliar with and the ones that you are familiar with. And I want you to fill them out as much as possible.
And I want you to create a binder and I want you to organize them and I want you to study them. And then when you have them and you think you know them, I want you to throw them away and I want you to start over from memory and you're going to fill these drug cards out. And what you're going to find is that those drugs that you're starting to fill out, you're going to start to remember more and more and more and more information. Or you start to say, okay, I know that Lisinopril is a, it's a prills so I know that it is an ace inhibitor. Okay, great. So I can fill out the center pro is a generic name and the pharmacologic class is going to be, um, an ace inhibitor and its therapeutic class. So how does it help? It's going to help, um,
with hypertension. Okay.
And you start to fill these out more and more and more. And then you start to feel more comfortable with what you're doing.
And then once you get done and you get to the point where you know these drugs, and that leads me into the next part, which is no. So no or must know. These are the things you absolutely have to know about drugs. I'm going to read these out to you cause I know they're a little bit difficult to see. But the first one says medications are based on needs and research. And what that means is that there are 6,800 medications in the market that's excluding any sort of over the counter or nutraceuticals. And the other thing about it is that they're based on the needs and research. So if they find out that certain drugs are causing, I know that certain drugs potentially are causing, uh, maybe some genetic mutations, I'm just going to say that one. Right? So they realize that that's an important, but they came up with this drug 15 years ago.
Well they realized they had to pull it off the market. So you do, you need to know that drug. You probably don't because it's not going to help you because it's not based on the current research, current evidence based practice. The other thing is that low cost and low risk drugs are more common. And the reason is, is because most of those drugs that are low cost have been found to, they've found to find ingredients that are, uh, beneficial and low costs and they can pass those savings onto the patient. And it also means it that backs up that first idea and needs in research. So what that also says is that those drugs are going to be more available. And so you need to know these drugs because they're going to be more common. And then rare drugs are used in rare cases. If you're on a specialized unit, you may not need to know, like if you're on a match, for instance, if you're on a med surge unit, you may not need to know what brand new, uh, ob drug helps to induce labor because you're probably not going to have that patient.
So that's where it comes into the idea of [inaudible] needs specific to units and areas. And we'll talk about that one second. But the other thing that we practice here at NRSNG is called the 80 20 rule. And what it means, it's especially for this is that there are willing to be, you are going to give 80% of the drugs that are on the market, a lot of them, 20% of the time. So if we flip that, what that means is you're going to give 20% of those drugs a lot. So that's 23 and 20% of the drugs 80% of the time. So that means that you don't need to know all the drugs. You don't need to know all 60 a hundred minutes medications. You don't need to know all of the drugs that aren't an oncology unit. You don't need to know the drugs that are given in the anesthesia, uh, to inducing a seizure if you're in an El tack.
You don't need to know those things. So what you need to do is you need to focus on the drugs that are on your unit. You need to find the ones that are most common that you know, you give all the time. If you know, if you're on a trauma unit, like a step down unit, you know you're going to be giving Lortab and you're going to be giving a bowel regimen. So Colet Senna, you know you're going to be giving maybe muscle relaxers, you probably going to be giving antibiotics. But do you need to know about that epinephrine drip that was given in the ICU? You don't need to know how to titrate that. So that's what I mean by knowing the drugs that are specific to the unit. If patients rely on you to know those drugs, so you need to become intimately familiar with them. You need to take the time to learn the drugs that are on your unit.
So we learned it as soc, but this isn't the correct way. Do we use the term soc? Because it's an easy mnemonic to remember, but we do have to rearrange them so that when we think about these drugs in a different way, how is it? It's actually OKCs. And here's why. So if I'm looking at a drug, if I get an order for a drug and I'm going to look at it and say, hey, that's, I have to get this drug, what is it? How's it going to, uh, affect, how's it going to affect my patient? How's it going to affect their organ system? Okay, cool. No, do I need to know this drug? Well, I do now because I have to do it. But let's say you're getting report from a patient or from another nurse from, let's say they're in a step down and maybe you're working at Altec or I'm a skilled nursing facility somewhere that doesn't give a lot of the same drugs.
And they say, okay, well they got this one drug and you go, okay, cool. And I know it affects the part. Okay, great. No, do I need to know this drug intimately? Do I need to know it? Because they got it. And for whatever reason, that nurse thought it was important for them to pass on to me, but I don't need to know it. So all of these other things kind of fall by the wayside. I don't need to know it's class. I don't need to memorize it because it's not important. But if it, I need to know how it affects the organ systems, especially the, any that are gonna affect airway breathing and circulation. I need to know if they're going to have any detrimental, um, if they're going to affect those systems in a, in some sort of detriment. And if I need to know them being great, I'm going to take my Google sheets or, or notepad or those cards and I'm going to write it down.
And then I want to consider the class considerations and I'm going to practice it and I'm gonna Study. And then I want to know what side effects I'm going to know. It needs to know what side effects are most important, the most, the likely side effects. I don't need to know all 500, uh, side effects for Tylenol, but I need to know maybe the top 10. I need to know. And you can kind of gather this and as you start to do this, you'll start to realize that you'll get drugs that are similar and you can start to extrapolate information, but every, every now and then you'll get that one off or they had this one particular side effect that you're not aware of, which is really important when it comes to, to practicing with those cards. So that's it for the sock method and I hope that this has been really beneficial.
And what I want to do now is I want to open this up so that you guys can answer, um, can ask whatever questions you have, uh, so that I can help to nail down maybe some confusing parts. Um, if you want me to go back to any of the slides, I'd love to do that so that you can get a, a better understanding of this, especially if this is the first time that you've done or seen the soft method, if you're not familiar with it. And this is just kind of how we apply that. How many drug classes are there? Dozen. Good question. I do not know. There are lots, um, I know like within, I think blood pressure, blood pressure, drugs by themselves. I'm going to brighten this up just a little bit. I wanted to make it a little easier for you guys to see. But, um, drug classes, uh, I know that with like antihypertensives we're looking, there is something like, I want to say like six, maybe six drug classes specifically. So you have arms, you have Beta blockers, you have ace inhibitors, you have calcium channel blockers. Um, then you have like,
then you have a combination of medication. So that's where you get into some. So like a hydroclorothiazide plus, uh, like they'll do combination drug classes. So there's, there's a lots of them. Um, and so what I want you to do is for those ones that you may not be familiar with, we have a, the book, uh, which is, uh, let me go and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to drop some links real quick, um, in the academy. Bear with me one second. Any Academy we have, uh, the 140 must know, uh, med, the book. So what we, uh, what John has done is he's actually gone and he took, he basically got the list of the top 140, uh, medications that he was seeing being used. Oops, let me pull this over. Ah, bear with me.
we've got a lot going on with live coming up this week. So all sorts of things are happening. Here we go. Cool. Let me pull this up. Um, with all those different, um, drugs that he was seeing, he to see a pattern, and with that pattern, he was like, you know what, there's, I'm, I don't know why I'm trying to learn all of these methods. Maybe I just need to know the, the, the top 140 of them. And it's true. I've looked through the, I've looked through the book and I've said, wow, there's, there's 140 of these and I've given almost all of these pretty consistently. Um, so let's go into the library and pull this up real quick.
I can't see the windows. So if you're asking a question, by all means do so. But it's gonna take me a second cause I want to make sure that I get these cheat sheets for you guys.
So I want to do a couple things real quick. Copy link, address. [inaudible] this mic. Okay, cool.
so here's one. So this is the one for four cards. So what you can do with this one is you can actually create the four cards and you can cut it out. And then I want you to take those, fill those out, learn them, and once you're done, throw them away and then start over. And then let me get the other one for you real quick.
Oh, it'd be really good. You do it with me jumping between windows. Here we go.
There's the other one. That's just the one for the single card. So you can do that one. If you find that that one's actually a little bit more beneficial, it's easier for you to work with, by all means, use it. But what other questions do you guys have? I know this a little bit smaller session. I know it was a little bit different than we normally do it, uh, with live coming up. We wanted to make sure that we give, uh, those [inaudible] maybe a little sneak peek into what's going on. Um, but also I wanted to make sure that we got kind of down to the bare bones of what the SOC method is and how it works. So for sure. Yeah. Are there any other questions that you guys have?
All right, cool. I want to do one more thing. If you guys found this beneficial, uh, like you do, a lot of, a lot of you guys are repeat, um, tutor attendees and I wanna make sure that we're getting useful, um, that we're providing you guys useful information. And what we'd like to do is we'd like to get a little bit of feedback from you. It takes like 30 seconds to fill this out. And what it is is it's the form, uh, just a little bit of a survey and what it'll do is it actually help us to provide better, uh, things for you guys. Hold on a sec. Here we go. Cool.
Yeah. If you'll just go click on that form, fill it out, 30 seconds. Um, this way, like I said this week, because live is going on a and in July it's going on. It's just a little bit chaotic. Uh, we're going to get some more uh, tutoring sessions, but up next week, uh, we've got some good things coming. Uh, so just keep an eye on the, on the tutoring landing page cause we'll get more of those up. Um, but like I said, we're all going to be super busy the end of the week. Um, so sessions are going to drastically slow down after today. Um, for those of you who are coming to live, we're so excited to have you be a part of this. Um, for those of you who really, really want to learn more about the sock method, John has, uh, um, inside of pharmacology model one at the end of it.
Uh, the last five lessons are actually the sock method in more detail. And you go on, John kind of, um, flushes this out a little bit more so that you guys can have a greater understanding of what the sock method is. So thank you guys so much for showing up today. I know it was a little bit different. Um, it didn't feel very much like a tutoring session. Um, it was really just kind of the cover of the basics of a pharmacology. Next week we'll get back to uh, running the running the show like we normally do. Um, Sandy, Tammy are going to be here a little bit later. Uh, uh, st he goes on in like 30 minutes and then Tammy have going on like an hour and a half and they're going to talk about, Cindy is actually gonna go over how to reap a lot of the benefits of the academy itself.
And then a team is going to be talking about a kind of life behind the scenes, uh, in the operating room. So you can get some insight into that if you've never had the opportunity. She's going to give you kind of a few of the nuances and the cool things that happen so that you guys can get a better understanding. So if you have not signed up for those sessions, go ahead, hop on over to that tutoring landing page and do some now. Cause, uh, we want to make sure that everybody has that opportunity. But, um, I'm going to wrap this up. So like we always say, go out and be your best selves today. And as always, happy nursing.
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