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Lesson Objective for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
To guide nursing professionals in delivering comprehensive care to patients with stomach cancer. This plan focuses on understanding gastric cancer’s pathophysiology, recognizing its symptoms, and implementing interventions for symptom management, complication prevention, and emotional support.
Pathophysiology for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, arises from the lining of the stomach. The most common type is adenocarcinoma, which starts in the cells of the stomach’s innermost lining. Factors like chronic inflammation, diet, and certain bacterial infections (like H. pylori) can contribute to the development of gastric cancer. As it progresses, it can affect the entire stomach wall and spread to other organs.
Etiology for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
The causes and risk factors for stomach cancer include:
- Infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
- Chronic gastritis
- Family history of gastric cancer
- Diet high in salty and smoked foods
- Smoking and alcohol consumption
- Pernicious anemia or stomach polyps
Desired Outcomes for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
- Effective management of symptoms, including pain, nausea, and dietary difficulties.
- Prevention or early identification and management of complications, such as gastric obstruction or bleeding.
- Maintenance of nutritional status and body weight.
- Patient and family education about treatment options and lifestyle modifications.
Nursing Care Plan (NCP) for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
Subjective Data:
- Reports of abdominal pain or discomfort, often in the upper or middle abdomen.
- Early satiety or loss of appetite.
- Nausea and vomiting.
Objective Data:
- Physical examination revealing abdominal tenderness or mass.
- Laboratory findings indicating anemia or other abnormalities.
- Imaging studies (like CT scans) showing gastric masses or spread.
- Endoscopy and biopsy confirming gastric cancer.
- Weight loss and general weakness.
Assessment for (NCP) Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
- Assessment of Gastrointestinal Symptoms:
- Evaluate the nature, location, and severity of pain, nausea, and vomiting.
- Nutritional Status Assessment:
- Monitor for signs of malnutrition and weight loss.
- Evaluation of Treatment Side Effects:
- Monitor for side effects of chemotherapy or radiation, if applicable.
- Psychosocial Assessment:
- Assess the patient’s and family’s understanding of the diagnosis and their coping mechanisms.
Diagnosis for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
- Acute Pain related to gastric inflammation and tumor growth.
- Imbalanced Nutrition:
- Less Than Body Requirements related to decreased oral intake and tumor metabolism.
- Risk for Infection related to immunosuppression from chemotherapy or disease process.
- Anxiety related to the cancer diagnosis and uncertainty about the future.
Nursing Interventions and Rationales for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
- Pain Management:
- Administer prescribed analgesics and assess pain levels regularly. Employ non-pharmacological methods like positioning and relaxation techniques for additional comfort.
- Nutritional Support:
- Encourage small, frequent meals and consider nutritional supplements. Collaborate with a dietitian for individualized meal planning.
- Management of Nausea and Vomiting:
- Administer antiemetics as prescribed. Provide a calm environment and suggest dietary changes that may help, like avoiding strong odors.
- Monitor for Complications:
- Regularly assess for signs of gastric bleeding, obstruction, or signs of metastasis. Early detection and intervention are vital.
- Patient and Family Education:
- Offer comprehensive education about the disease, treatment options, and side effects. Support informed decision-making and active involvement in care.
- Psychosocial Support:
- Provide emotional support and refer to counseling services or support groups. Addressing mental health is crucial for overall patient well-being.
Evaluation for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
- Effectiveness of Pain Management:
- Continuously evaluate and document the patient’s pain levels and the effectiveness of the interventions.
- Nutritional Status:
- Regularly monitor weight and dietary intake to assess nutritional status.
- Management of Side Effects:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for nausea, vomiting, and other treatment-related side effects.
- Patient and Family Understanding:
- Assess their understanding of the condition and their emotional well-being.
Further Reading and Verification:
- [ – Stomach Cancer](
- [Mayo Clinic – Stomach Cancer](
- [ – Stomach (Gastric) Cancer](
This care plan is dedicated to providing effective management of stomach cancer, addressing symptom relief, nutritional support, early identification of complications, and emotional support. Personalizing care based on the patient’s specific symptoms and needs is key for optimal management and improved quality of care.
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Example Nursing Diagnosis for Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer)
- Acute Pain related to tumor growth or metastasis.
- Risk for Impaired Kidney Function related to the tumor or treatment effects.
- Imbalanced Nutrition:
- Less Than Body Requirements related to decreased appetite and cancer metabolism.
- Anxiety related to cancer diagnosis and treatment uncertainties.